Tomorrow, you may bring any handouts I have given you in class, an English to English dictionary, and rough notes (to be attached to your final copy). Experience writing essays in a timed, classroom situation is a very important component of this exercise. Please do not bring a completed essay to class tomorrow morning in the hopes that you can simply rewrite it as a good copy.
Lisa sent me this very moving video clip of albatrosses on the island of Midway in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I know that some of you investigated the Great Pacific Garbage Patch or Great Pacific Garbage Gyre when you were doing your investigations for Life of Pi. This enormous, swirling mass of human garbage is wrecking havoc on our planet. The video clip tells a chilling story about the effects of this terrible case of pollution on the albatrosses of Midway Island. You should definitely take a look at this four minute video. These birds are, I fear, our "canaries in the coal mine".