Tuesday, January 19, 2016

English 12

I'll give you about 10 minutes to finish the sheet on "Those Winter Sundays" and "Wordsmith".  Do have the sheet on semicolons completed for Wednesday.  Also, answer the questions for "High Flight" in the package of love poems.

English 10

For homework, answer the questions on Theseus and Oedipus.  Also, complete the following questions for "Midas" and "Daedalus and Icarus":

1.  Summarize each in a couple of sentences.
2   Give the easy answer to what each myth explains and then give the deeper answer to what each explains.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

English 12

Collect five vocabulary words and definitions.  I'll collect them on Thursday.
Read the first three poems in the package I distributed on Thursday and answer the questions for each.

English 10

Your only homework this weekend is to complete the good copy of your short stories.  Remember to hand in your stories with a cited image if you used a picture from anywhere other than The Mysteries of Harris Burdick.  If you used the Harris Burdick story, you only need to include the citation.  For all citations, use the MLA format. You can visit bibme.com for help with this.

Here is the information for the images we used in class:

Title:  The Mysteries of Harris Burdick
Author:  Chris Van Allsburg
Publisher, city:  Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston
Date of publication:  1984

I'm not sure if the MLA format requires page numbers, but here they are for the various illustrations:
  1. ''Archie Smith, Boy Wonder''--page 3
  2. ''Under the Rug''--page 5
  3. '' A Strange Day in July''--page 7
  4. ''Missing in Venice''--page 9
  5. ''Another Place, Another Time''--page 11
  6. ''Uninvited Guests''--page 13
  7. ''The Harp''--page 15
  8. ''Mr. Linden's Library''--page 17
  9. ''The Seven Chairs''--page 19
  10. ''The Third-Floor Bedroom''--page--21
  11. ''Just Desert''--page 23
  12. ''Captain Tory''--page 25
  13. ''Oscar and Alphonse''--page 27
  14. ''The House on Maple Street''--page 29

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

English 10

Please answer these questions for Thursday's class:
What things are explained in each of the following myths?
  • Echo and Narcissus
  • Pygmalion
  • Orpheus

How are the myths of Pygmalion and Arachne similar and different?

English 12

Make sure you read all the poems in the Narrative Poetry package: ''The Bull Moose'', ''Snow'', ''Deer Hit'', ''Oranges'', and ''Wordsmith''.  Please also answer the questions for ''Wordsmith''.

In addition, I will again be asking you to collect good vocabulary words (finding them in your poetry is a good start), so make sure you have five words and definitions ready to be handed in by next Friday.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

English 12

For homework, answer the questions on the first three poems in the package entitled "Winter Poems".

English 10

Make sure that you finish your independent novel review for Friday, January 8th.  I'll post the new vocabulary words later tonight.

Period 5, your words are as follows:

  1. lethargic:   lacking in energy; sluggish; apathetic
  2. flora:  the plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period
  3. fidelity:  loyalty; faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief
  4. cupidity:  greed for money or possessions
  5. aphrodisiac:  a food, drink, or drug which stimulates physical desire
  6. phobia:  an extreme or irrational fear which interferes with a person's life
  7. maniac:  a person with extreme behaviour, esp. violent or dangerous; an obsessive enthusiast
  8. mnemonic:  a device that helps one to remember (a short poem, and image, a jingle)
  9. mortuary:  a funeral home or morgue
  10. panacea:  a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases
Period 6, your words are as follows:
  1. panacea:  a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases
  2. geriatrics:  the branch of medicine dealing with the health and care of the elderly
  3. cupidity:  greed for money or possessions
  4. fidelity:  loyalty; faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief
  5. lethargic:  lacking in energy; sluggish; apathetic
  6. insomnia:  an inability to sleep
  7. Pangaea:  a purported prehistoric super-continent that included all the world's continents before they broke apart
  8. martial:  of or appropriate to war; warlike
  9. flora:  the plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period
  10. aphrodisiac:  a food, drink, or drug which stimulates physical desire
Period 8, your words are as follows:
  1. lethargic:   lacking in energy; sluggish; apathetic
  2. panacea:  a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases
  3. lunatic:  a person with a mental illness (this term is not a term doctors/nurses would use)
  4. aphrodisiac:  a food, drink, or drug which stimulates physical desire
  5. fidelity:  loyalty; faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief
  6. panorama:  a picture or photograph containing a wide view; a complete survey or presentation of a sequence of events
  7. mnemonic:  a device that helps one to remember (a short poem, and image, a jingle)
  8. geriatrics:  the branch of medicine dealing with the health and care of the elderly
  9. mortician:  one who prepares a corpse for burial or cremation and helps with funeral plans
  10. lethal:  deadly; the ability to cause death