For homework this weekend, please complete the questions on the poem "Wordsmith", and also review the package "What Should You Get Out Of Poetry?". Complete the sheet entitled "Can You Identify These Devices (Part 2)" at the back of the package. Most of you did very well today on our "fun quiz" so I hope that this should give you little trouble.
For grammar, please make certain that you have finished all the questions on the back of the worksheet entitled "Colons : )", as well as the hand out given today in class, "Commas, Semicolons, and Colons (One More Time, With Feeling!)". The latter will look very much like the grammar quiz you will have on Tuesday, October 18th.
As next Thursday and Friday are both Professional Development days, our next lit circle on The Kite Runner will be on Monday, October 24th. Our discussion will encompass everything up to page 306 (Chapter 23).
Your journal response for today's lit circle will be due on Wednesday, October 19th. You may write on the topic given in the original handout--The Future of Afghan Women--or you may choose to write on the Taliban today. If you choose this second topic, be sure to cover questions such as:
Where are Taliban strongholds?
Who are their supporters?
Who are their enemies?
Who are most vulnerable to their policies or conflicts?
Should Canada and the world care about the Taliban?
Why or why not?
To properly respond to either question, you must use at least two recent sources for you information (news or magazine articles, web sites, documentary videos, etc.). You must provide hard copies of any articles and staple them to your response. If you use websites or videos, you must cite your sources. Any evidence of plagiarism will result in a mark of zero.
The following link will take you to a website with a 40 minute documentary about the Taliban today. It was aired earlier in 2011 (Just copy the following link into the place where your URL address goes and hit enter. I'll try to make this process easier within a few hours!):
If I find any more applicable sites, I will put links to them here.
Have a good weekend.