Tonight, prepare your answer to the question:
Are people morally responsible to protect weaker beings? "Beings" encompasses all creatures, not just humans.
Your response will be 125 - 150 words. You will have 20 minutes to write this in class. You will receive a score out of 6. The mark break down will be as follows:
3 marks for clarity - 1 is poor, 2 is average and 3 is excellent
*Can I understand everything you say?
3 marks for grammar/language conventions - 1 is poor, 2 is average and 3 is excellent
*Have you used complete sentences?
*Do all your verbs have a consistent tense?
*Have you avoided contractions? Remember contractions are two words that have been blended by dropping a letter and adding an apostrophe, as in I'd for "I would".
*Do your subjects and verbs agree (he seems / they seem)?