Tuesday, March 27, 2012

English 11/12

Today we had our lit circles and did some planning for tomorrow's narrative compositions.   You may bring in some rough notes for the composition and an English to English dictionary.  Please also remember to bring in your personal timeline.  Tomorrow, you will also have the short quiz on commas.

There are some students who have, for a variety of reasons, missed a vocabulary quiz.  These students may write a make up quiz on Wednesday, April 4th, after class.  I will not review these words in class.  If you have any questions about them, you may see me after or before class any day before April 4th. Your words are:
somber, enmity, interminable, hiatus, ebullience, dilate, myriad, torrid, susurration, oppressive,
inscrutable, vicissitudes, tacit, tirade, taboo, and  sinewy