Tomorrow, we will have our second spelling quiz. Your words are:
assignment, awkward, available, bankrupt, banquet, behaviour, belief, brilliant, bruise, calculate, celebration, cereal, serial, last circular, kernel, and five other words from last week's list.
Also, tomorrow, I will collect your fliers for "The Monkey's Paw".
Please answer the questions on plot for "Leiningen and the Ants". The questions are:
a. State the inciting incident in this story. Give the page number and quote the sentence or sentences.
b. List at least three events during the rising action that increase the story's tension.
c. At what point do you think the climax occurs? Explain your reasoning.
d. What information is the reader given in the falling action?
Finally for tomorrow, answer the second section in the question sheet on "Leiningen and the Ants" that covers setting. Reread sections of the story and then make a bird's eye view sketch of the physical layout of Leiningen's plantation.
On Friday, you will be quizzed on these ten vocabulary words:
denizens, dementia, placidly, gruesome, maneuver, cataract, aura,
fervidly, perilous, and myriad.