We will have a spelling test on Thursday, so learn these words: gnawed, gorgeous, governor, guarantee, hurriedly, hygiene, hysterical, illegal, immediately, implement, incident, incredible, influential, inoculated, and inseparable.
If you want to get one bonus mark, choose any five of the 15 words and look up their origins on www.etymonline.com. Write those words and their origins on a piece of paper and then write one more sentence explaining which word origin you find the most interesting (ex. "I find ___________ to have the most interesting origin because __________.").
Tonight, write down the moral of both "The Golden Pants" and "The Sweater". Then, try to write down one theme statement for each story. You might say that "The Golden Pants" is about forgiveness or confidence, so choose one of those terms to build your theme statement. You will begin the theme statement by saying something like this: "Sometimes people..." or "Children often...". The could be said to be "Sweater" about keeping one's temper or gratitude or fitting in with the group. Take one of these three concepts and try to write a theme statement that begins with "Sometimes (or often or frequently) people (or children)...." Theme statements are hard, but try your best.