Tonight, read Chapter 6 and answer the questions for Chapters 5 and 6. Begin reviewing for your vocabulary quiz, which will be on Tuesday, April 15th. Your words are as follows:
- newfangled (adj)
- verve (adj)
- profusion (n)
- zeal (n)
- arsenal (n)
- hackneyed (adj)
- acrid (adj)
- apprehension (n)
- festooned (adj, v)
- blase (adj)
- vigilance (n)
- gesture (n)
- vague (adj)
- wince (v)
- impediment (n)
- luminous (adj)
- calibrate (v)
- hindrance (n)
- tremendous (adj)
- consternation (n)
- uproot (v)
- cower (v)
- caper (v)
- gambol (v)
- rivet (n, v)
- congeal (v)
- traipsing (v)
- beam (v)
- shun (v)
- flag (v)