Tuesday, November 4, 2014

English 12 - Block 7

Week 3 Vocabulary

  1. morose - adj - gloomy, sullen  
  2. penultimate- adj - second to last 
  3. flummox - v - to perplex or to be perplexed by 
  4. indubitably- adj - without a doubt; unquestionably 
  5. zenith - n - the highest point 
  6. nadir - n - the lowest point 
  7. clandestine- adj - secretively 
  8. adequate- adj - enough; average 
  9. maudlin- adj - foolishly or tearfully affectionate 
  10. censure - v - to blame or criticize something/someone

Week 2 Vocabulary

  1. skullduggery - n underhanded or unscrupulous behaviour
  2. temperate - adj moderate, self-restrained behaviour
  3. tautology - n - needless repetition of an idea
  4. absolutism - n- principles or practice of an arbitrary government 
  5. aberration - n- something that differs from the norm
  6. immiserate - n to make someone miserable
  7. entrepreneurial - adj- taking financial risk in the hopes of profit
  8. protocol - n - a system of rules about correct behaviour; an international agreement
  9. vex - v- to cause annoyance or disturb
  10. obfuscate - v- to render something unclear

Week 1 Vocabulary

  1. eiderdown (noun) - small, soft feathers from the eider duck; a quilted bed cover, duvet, counterpane
  2. disheveled (adj) - hanging in disorder; messy appearance
  3. ambiguous (adj) - open to more than one interpretation
  4. iota (noun) - a tiny amount
  5. androgynous (adj) - displaying both male and female characteristics
  6. gruntled (adj) - to be pleased with something/someone
  7. loquacious (adj) - talkative
  8. amicable (adj) - good-natured or friendly
  9. fulminate (verb) - to loudly attack or denounce somebody; express vehement protest
  10. transpire (verb) - occur; happen