This weekend, finish reading Chapter 9 and answer the questions for it. Also, as we have reached this point in the book, you should have finished your first three visual journals for Wednesday. Remember, each entry should do the following:
1. contain a quotation from one of the three chapters in the book for that entry
2. contain a visual for that quote
3. explain the circumstances around the quote (who is the speaker, what is the subject, why is he/she saying this)
4. explain why this quote in particular appealed to you
5. explain why you included the specific image you did
Also, over the past few weeks, we have been doing 10 minute quick response writing exercises in class on various prompts. Here are the four we have done to date:
1. Dec. 16 -- Tell what you considered to be an act of bravery when you were a child, and then describe what you consider to be an act of bravery today.
2. Jan. 5 -- Think back to your elementary school days. Describe a favourite early memory and your worst early memory.
3. Jan 7 -- Tell about a time when you judged someone unfairly or were judged unfairly by someone else.
4. Jan 15 -- Respond to the article "Why I joined the KKK" with any questions, comments or connections you see between this article and the world today.
Please make sure you are up to date with the quick response writing prompts, too.