Wednesday, September 30, 2015

English 12

Your ten new class vocabulary words are as follows:

  1. obtuse:  stupid or dense; annoyingly insensitive
  2. dwale: to wander deleriously or as if one were asleep; a sleeping draught made from the plant known as the deadly nightshade
  3. bias: prejudice in favour or against a thing
  4. beset:  threaten persistently
  5. obsolete:  outdated; no longer of use
  6. banal:  repeated often; boring; ordinary
  7. apprise: to give notice; to inform
  8. irenic: to promote peace
  9. repertoire: a stock of pieces used for performance
  10. stoic:  emotionless; strong in the face of adversity; uncomplaining during adversity
On Friday, you will write an in-class paragraph on "Miss Brill".  Your prompt will be this:
In a well-written paragraph, explain how the fox fur is symbolic of Miss Brill.  You must use at least two well-integrated quotations and cite their page numbers.

This is an open-book assignment, but you may not bring in a rough copy.  You may not use electronic devices while writing this, but you can bring in a paper dictionary.  You will have 40 minutes to write this. 

English 10 -- Period 8

For homework, please answer questions 1-6 on "The Doll's House".  To see a copy of the story, look at my blog entry for Thursday, September 24th.

Your ten new vocabulary words are as follows:
  1. constraint:  something which restricts one's actions or power
  2. toady:  one who tries to gain an advantage through pleasing someone (or through flattery)
  3. insipid:  weak
  4. intrepid:  fearless
  5. insolent:  boldly rude or disrespectful
  6. abiotic:  of or characterized by the absence of living things; a non-living part of the environment
  7.  fiend:  a wicked or cruel being
  8. camaraderie:  friendship based on trust
  9. existential:  concerned with existence, especially human existence;
    affirming or implying the existence of a thing
  10. insidious: sinister or menacing
  11. egotastic: being into yourself so much that it becomes annoying

English 10 -- Period 6

For homework, please answer questions 1-4 on "The Doll's House".  To see a copy of the story, look at my blog entry for Thursday, September 24th.

Your ten new vocabulary words are as follows:
  1. tomfoolery:  foolish or silly behaviour; sheenanigans
  2. cogitate:  to think deeply or meditate on something
  3. ranivorous: frog-eating
  4. redamancy:  to return an act of love
  5. jocularity: playfulness; intended joking
  6. uproarious:  loud laughter; very funny; hilarious
  7. goofy: silly
  8. abomination: something which is totally detestable
  9. galumph: to move heavily or clumsily
  10. penurious: extreme poverty; or extreme miserliness (penny-pinching)

English 10 -- Period 5

For homework, please answer questions 1-4 on "The Doll's House".  To see a copy of the story, look at my blog entry for Thursday, September 24th.

Your ten new vocabulary words are as follows:

  1. theanthropic:  possessing both god-like and human qualities; a god in a human form
  2. umbrage: anger caused by being offended
  3. acquiesce: to accept reluctantly; to give in
  4. girn or gurn:  to make a grotesque face; to bare one's teeth in anger or dispair
  5. abattoir: a slaughterhouse; where animals are slaughtered for food
  6. earnest: sincere and intense conviction; not being distracted by things unrelated to a goal
  7. pelagic:  of the sea
  8. wamfle: to walk around in clothing that flaps about (this is a very archaic word)
  9. agastopia: admiration of a particular part of another person's body
  10. stasis:  inactivity because of being stuck between two balanced forces

Thursday, September 24, 2015

English 12

For next class, please have your five words and definitions ready to hand in.  Also, complete the handout on "Miss Brill", the short story we read today in class.  Finally, we will also look at identities next class, so have the questions for that story ready as well.

English 10

For homework, please collect five words and definitions for Wednesday.  Also, make sure that your journal entry is complete.  Choose one of the following topics:
  1. a cherished childhood toy
  2. the bully, the bullied, and/or the bystander
  3. a recipe for popularity (you can choose to write this as an actual recipe if you wish)
You can respond to the above prompts in any way, as long as your writing is thoughtful.
 Finally, a copy of short story, "The Doll's House" can be found here.  The story begins on page 3.
You can hear a the recording we listened to here. 
We'll discuss this story more on Wednesday.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

English 12

For homework, please answer question #s 2 and 3 on the short story "Identities".  In addition, also answer this question:

How realistic is the story?  Justify your answer.

Furthermore, here are your first 10 vocabulary words:
  1. coddle -- to overprotect
  2. erudite -- sophisticated; worldly
  3. saxicolous -- one who is unaware; one who "lives under a rock"
  4. boisterous -- rough and noisy
  5.  nefarious -- wicked
  6. comprehensive -- including all elements or aspects of a thing
  7. impavid -- fearless; intrepid
  8. etiquette -- manners; customary codes of polite behaviour
  9. feign -- to pretend
  10. noxious - harmful or corrupt

English 10 -- Period 8

Your first 10 vocabulary words are as follows:

  1. loquacious -- chatty; very talkative
  2. adequate -- enough; satisfactory for a purpose
  3. abrogate -- to cancel
  4. inquisitive -- curious; questioning
  5. conundrum -- a confusing or difficult situation
  6. epoch -- a particular time in history or a person's life
  7. theology -- the study of religion
  8. vindicate -- to show to be right by providing justification
  9. cynosure -- an object at the focal point of attention
  10. boondoggle -- work of little value that is done simply to look busy

English 10 -- Period 6

Your first 10 vocabulary words are as follows:

  1. bias -- leaning towards or against an idea, issue, person, or group
  2. fallacious -- based on a mistaken belief
  3. anthropomorphic -- attribution of human qualities to animals
  4. hiatus -- a pause in a process
  5. belligerent -- to be hostile and aggressive
  6. vigil -- a state of wakefulness during sleeping hours; keeping watch at night
  7. epigram -- a short, humorous or satirical saying
  8. intercede -- to act on another's behalf or to smooth out troubles between two parties
  9. omnipotent -- all-powerful
  10. murmuration -- the act of murmuring (speaking indistinctly)

English 10 -- Period 5

Your first set of vocabulary words are as follows:

  1. mahout -- an elephant-driver
  2. fractious -- cranky; irritable
  3. penitent -- feeling sorrow/guilt after committing a sin
  4. epiphany -- a sudden realization of a life truth that changes the person in some way
  5. constituency -- a district that elects its own representative to parliament
  6. irreverent -- an attitude showing a lack of due respect
  7. covenant -- a legal agreement/contract or a binding contract between man and God
  8. ostentatious -- a pretentious (flashy) or vulgar display (usually of wealth)
  9. conjure-- to make something appear by magic
  10. eloquent -- fluency or persuasiveness in speech or writing

Saturday, September 19, 2015

English 10

Your five academic words and definitions are due on Tuesday.
 Also, on Friday we discussed symbolism.  A symbol is an object that means more than meets the eye.  For example, on one hand, a wedding ring is simply an object made from metal and a stone.  On the other hand, it also represents love and union.  Symbols are things that link solid objects to abstract ideas...doves=peace, hearts=love, a lighbulb=an idea.
This weekend, give some thought as to what the man, the ewe, the dingo, and the flood could symbolize in the story "The Inheritor".  

English 12

Your five academic words and definitions are due on Tuesday.  Also, please make sure that you have completed the journal entry on one of the topics that I put on the board last Friday.  Aim to write 1or 2 thoughtful pages on the subject. The topics were as follows:

  • Tell about a time when you misjudged someone.
  • Tell about a time when someone misjudged you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

English 12

Remember to collect your five words and definitions for Tuesday.
Also, answer questions #1-8 on the short story "Two In One".

English 10

Remember to collect your five words and definitions for Tuesday.
Also, make sure that you have answered questions #1-3 on "The Inheritor".  For a PDF of this story, visit this link.
Finally, write a paragraph about an opinion that you have.  You could praise something or rant about something, I have no preference.  Just remember to avoid course terms, and use good, academic language.  Aim for about 100 words.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

English 10 and 12

There isn't much homework except that all my classes will be collecting five vocabulary words and their definitions and bring them to class on Tuesday.  These words have to be good, academic words that you think you can use in your future school work.  Please avoid slang terms like "twerk" and "selfie".  Also eschew words that are so ancient or scientific in nature that you would be hard-pressed to find a use for them (i.e. "sanguinolency" or "sporange").  Just for your information, the first means an addiction to bloodshed and the second is a spore on the back of a particular kind of fern.  Now that I think of it, sanguinolency could be a pretty useful word; too bad it is defunct.

This vocabulary assignment will be a weekly task.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Welcome to English

Hello 10s and 12s,

Beginning a new schedule is always tiring in the first few weeks, so I hope that you get a chance to rest and enjoy the sunshine this weekend.  On Monday, please turn in the Student Survey if you have not already done so.

See you on Monday in B213.  As Ms. Li's classes have not yet been notified of the room change, there might be some confusion at the start of classes, but I'm sure you can cope.