Wednesday, September 30, 2015

English 12

Your ten new class vocabulary words are as follows:

  1. obtuse:  stupid or dense; annoyingly insensitive
  2. dwale: to wander deleriously or as if one were asleep; a sleeping draught made from the plant known as the deadly nightshade
  3. bias: prejudice in favour or against a thing
  4. beset:  threaten persistently
  5. obsolete:  outdated; no longer of use
  6. banal:  repeated often; boring; ordinary
  7. apprise: to give notice; to inform
  8. irenic: to promote peace
  9. repertoire: a stock of pieces used for performance
  10. stoic:  emotionless; strong in the face of adversity; uncomplaining during adversity
On Friday, you will write an in-class paragraph on "Miss Brill".  Your prompt will be this:
In a well-written paragraph, explain how the fox fur is symbolic of Miss Brill.  You must use at least two well-integrated quotations and cite their page numbers.

This is an open-book assignment, but you may not bring in a rough copy.  You may not use electronic devices while writing this, but you can bring in a paper dictionary.  You will have 40 minutes to write this.