Thursday, February 25, 2016

English 12

Here is your full vocabulary list for the third vocab test:

  1. monogamous – having only one mate, usually for life
  2. mnemonic – pertaining to memory
  3. to wane – to abate; to subside; to lessen in strength or intensity
  4. unbidden – unasked for
  5. shrill – sharp, piercing, pertaining to a sound
  6. bough – a tree branch
  7. connotation – the emotional or figurative meaning of a word
  8. to lurch – to move in an erratic, uncontrolled manner
  9. geld – castrate; deprive of vigour or vitality
  10. scaffold – a raised wooden platform historically used for hangings; a wooden structure used in construction
  11. bootless – futile
  12. surly – bad tempered; unfriendly
  13. ramparts – a defensive wall of a castle or walled city, usually having a wide walkway and parapets
  14. azure – a brilliant, sky blue
  15. enwrought – woven; worked in with something (woven with golden thread)
  16. preconceptions – ideas formed before having the facts
  17. tardy – late
  18. runic – consisting of or written in runes; mysterious and secretive
  19. to squinch – a movement consisting of both squeezing and pinching
  20. portmanteau word – a word blending the sounds and meanings of two other words (eg. Motel = motor and hotel)
  21. dalliance: casual involvement with something (esp. a romantic or sexual relationship)
  22. phlegmatic: an unemotional, calm disposition
  23. peripatetic: travelling from place to place, esp. working or based in different places
  24. inveigle: to persuade someone to do something especially by means of flattery or deception
  25. cupidity: greed for money or possessions
  26. brood: to think deeply on something that causes one unhappiness (v); a family of young animals (n) (broody: thoughtful and unhappy or inclined towards laying eggs)
  27. insouciant: showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent
  28. callous: having an insensitive or cruel disregard of others
  29. admonish: to warn or reprimand firmly; to advise or urge earnestly
  30. wistful: having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing; nostalgic
  31. spurious –false, fake or illegitimate
  32. languid—slow and relaxed; disinclined toward physical effort or exertion
  33. pane (n)—a single sheet of glass in a window or door
  34. verdant—green with grass or other vegetation; lush
  35. plethora—an excessive amount
  36. cloistered—kept away from the outside world; sheltered
  37. gossamer—something very light or filmy, delicate, or insubstantial like a cobweb
  38. cherubim—small, infant angels; an angelic child
  39. miasma—an oppressive/unpleasant atmosphere that often emanates from something; an unpleasant/unhealthy odor
  40. flotsam—the wreckage of a ship or its cargo washed up by the sea; people or things that have been rejected or are regarded as worthless

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

English 12

For Friday, you have all been assigned a new poem to investigate.  For your poem, write one excellent open-ended question, find 3-5 poetic devices, and select a quotation that you believe is significant to the poem.

Also, for next Tuesday, write a clear, fluid paragraph using a minimum of 16 of your latest 30 vocabulary words.  The words are as follows:

  1. monogamous:  having only one mate, usually for life
  2. mnemonicpertaining to memory
  3. to waneto abate; to subside; to lessen in strength or intensity
  4. unbiddenunasked for
  5. shrilla sharp, piercing sound
  6. bougha tree branch
  7. connotationthe emotional or figurative meaning of a word
  8. to lurchto move in an erratic, uncontrolled manner
  9. geldcastrate; deprive of vigour or vitality
  10. scaffolda raised wooden platform historically used for hangings; a wooden structure used in construction
  11. bootlessfutile
  12. surlybad tempered; unfriendly
  13. rampartsa defensive wall of a castle or walled city, usually having a wide walkway and parapets
  14. azurea brilliant, sky blue
  15. enwroughtwoven; worked in with something (woven with golden thread)
  16. preconceptionsideas formed before having the facts
  17. tardylate
  18. runicconsisting of or written in runes; mysterious and secretive
  19. to squincha movement consisting of both squeezing and pinching
  20. portmanteau worda word blending the sounds and meanings of two other words (eg. Motel = motor and hotel)
  21. dalliance: casual involvement with something (esp. a romantic or sexual relationship)
  22. phlegmatic: an unemotional, calm disposition
  23. peripatetic: travelling from place to place, esp. working or based in different places
  24. inveigle: to persuade someone to do something especially by means of flattery or deception
  25. cupidity: greed for money or possessions
  26. brood (v): to think deeply on something that causes one unhappiness
  27. insouciant: showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent
  28. callous: having an insensitive or cruel disregard of others
  29. admonish: to warn or reprimand firmly; to advise or urge earnestly
  30. wistful: having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing; nostalgic

English 10

Fill in your planning sheet and be ready to write your composition on The Odyssey and O Brother, Where Art Thou? on Friday.  You may also use any handouts I have given you about either work.

Monday, February 15, 2016

English 12

For homework, read over the six following poems from your poetry package:
  1. "Fast Run in the Junkyard"
  2. "The Mending Wall"
  3. "The Flea"
  4. "The Negro Speaks of Rivers"
  5. "Chicago"
  6. "The Man Who Finds His Son Has Become a Thief"

Everyone has been assigned one of these poems.  For your assigned poem, you must do the following:
  1. Write down an excellent, open-ended question about the poem (topics to consider include theme, symbol, poetic devices, curious quotations, form of the work)
  2. Write down 3-5 poetic devices used in the poem (you will be asked to discuss how these affect the overall meaning of the work).
  3. Write down a significant quotation from the poem (and be prepared to answer why you think the quote is significant)
You will need to hand in these three items on Wednesday.
If you were not in class and do not know your assigned poem, email me or just choose one of the above poems.

English 10

Work on your commercials.  They're due on Wednesday.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

English 12

From the poetry package that you received today, choose your top two poems and write an open-ended question for each (questions that require a more detailed answer--think about something I might ask). You don't have to answer the question--yet! Then, select a quotation from each poem, record it, and then explain why you think it is significant.

Also, correct your semicolon quiz.  We'll go over the corrections next class in preparation for the semicolon retake quiz on Monday.

English 10

Continue to work on your commercials. They are due on Monday, February 15th.  Also, continue to review your vocabulary words.  The test will happen about a week after Feb. 18th.

 GO TO FEB 6TH TO FIND THE LINKS TO THE BROWN EYES/BLUE EYES DOCUMENTARIES.  You will need to write a response to these docs...tell about three memorable moments from these two programs.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

English 10

On Thursday in class, we watched two documentaries which will relate to the novel we will start reading in the next few weeks.  Please watch these and then write a short response where you outline the three most memorable aspects of them.  Please write in full sentences.  This doesn't have to be an expository paragraph, just write it as a letter to yourself. Please watch the documentaries in order.

Here are the documentaries:

1. Excerpt from "A Class Divided"-- find it here.

2. "The Angry Eye"-- find it here.

English 12

Please complete the sheet on "Ode to Autumn" for homework.

Monday, February 1, 2016

English 10

Because of the Personal Project deadline, the due date for your commercials has been changed to February 15th.  For Wednesday, work on your commercials and study your vocabulary words.

Period 5, your words are as follows:
  1. lethargic: lacking in energy; sluggish; apathetic
  2. flora: the plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period
  3. fidelity: loyalty; faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief
  4. cupidity: greed for money or possessions
  5. aphrodisiac: a food, drink, or drug which stimulates physical desire
  6. phobia: an extreme or irrational fear which interferes with a person's life
  7. maniac: a person with extreme behaviour, esp. violent or dangerous; an obsessive enthusiast
  8. mnemonic: a device that helps one to remember (a short poem, and image, a jingle)
  9. mortuary: a funeral home or morgue
  10. panacea: a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases
  11. geriatrics: the branch of medicine dealing with the health and care of the elderly
  12. fauna: the plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period
  13. insomnia: an inability to sleep
  14. thronged: densely gathered group of people; clustered; massed
  15. parentage: the identity or origin of one’s parents
  16. illicit: forbidden; taboo
  17. narcissist: one who is vain, selfish, overly self-involved
  18. venture: a risky undertaking or risky journey
  19. citadel: a high fortress
  20. wither: to become dry and shrivelled
  21. dalliance: casual involvement with something (esp. a romantic or sexual relationship)
  22. phlegmatic: an unemotional, calm disposition
  23. peripatetic: travelling from place to place, esp. working or based in different places
  24. inveigle: to persuade someone to do something especially by means of flattery or deception
  25. choleric:  bad tempered
  26. brood (v): to think deeply on something that causes one unhappiness
  27. insouciant: showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent
  28. callous: having an insensitive or cruel disregard of others
  29. admonish: to warn or reprimand firmly; to advise or urge earnestly
  30. wistful: having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing; nostalgic

Period 6, your words are as follows:
  1. panacea: a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases
  2. geriatrics: the branch of medicine dealing with the health and care of the elderly
  3. cupidity: greed for money or possessions
  4. fidelity: loyalty; faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief
  5. lethargic: lacking in energy; sluggish; apathetic
  6. insomnia: an inability to sleep
  7. Pangaea: a purported prehistoric super-continent that included all the world's continents before they broke apart
  8. martial: of or appropriate to war; warlike
  9. flora: the plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period
  10. aphrodisiac: a food, drink, or drug which stimulates physical desire
  11. mnemonic: a device that helps one to remember (a short poem, and image, a jingle)
  12. fauna: the plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period
  13. insomnia: an inability to sleep
  14. thronged: densely gathered group of people; clustered; massed
  15. parentage: the identity or origin of one’s parents
  16. illicit: forbidden; taboo
  17. narcissist: one who is vain, selfish, overly self-involved
  18. venture: a risky undertaking or risky journey
  19. citadel: a high fortress
  20. wither: to become dry and shrivelled
  21. dalliance: casual involvement with something (esp. a romantic or sexual relationship)
  22. phlegmatic: an unemotional, calm disposition
  23. peripatetic: travelling from place to place, esp. working or based in different places
  24. inveigle: to persuade someone to do something especially by means of flattery or deception
  25. choleric:   bad tempered
  26. brood (v): to think deeply on something that causes one unhappiness
  27. insouciant: showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent
  28. callous: having an insensitive or cruel disregard of others
  29. admonish: to warn or reprimand firmly; to advise or urge earnestly
  30. wistful: having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing; nostalgic

Period 8, your words are as follows:
  1. lethargic: lacking in energy; sluggish; apathetic
  2. panacea: a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases
  3. lunatic: a person with a mental illness (this term is not a term doctors/nurses would use)
  4. aphrodisiac: a food, drink, or drug which stimulates physical desire
  5. fidelity: loyalty; faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief
  6. panorama: a picture or photograph containing a wide view; a complete survey or presentation of a sequence of events
  7. mnemonic: a device that helps one to remember (a short poem, and image, a jingle)
  8. geriatrics: the branch of medicine dealing with the health and care of the elderly
  9. mortician: one who prepares a corpse for burial or cremation and helps with funeral plans
  10. lethal: deadly; the ability to cause death
  11. flora: the plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period
  12. fauna: the plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period
  13. cupidity: greed for money and possessions
  14. insomnia: an inability to sleep
  15. insomnia: an inability to sleep
  16. thronged: densely gathered group of people; clustered; massed
  17. parentage: the identity or origin of one’s parents
  18. illicit: forbidden; taboo
  19. narcissist: one who is vain, selfish, overly self-involved
  20. venture: a risky undertaking or risky journey
  21. dalliance: casual involvement with something (esp. a romantic or sexual relationship)
  22. phlegmatic: an unemotional, calm disposition
  23. peripatetic: travelling from place to place, esp. working or based in different places
  24. inveigle: to persuade someone to do something especially by means of flattery or deception
  25. choleric:   bad tempered
  26. brood (v): to think deeply on something that causes one unhappiness
  27. insouciant: showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent
  28. callous: having an insensitive or cruel disregard of others
  29. admonish: to warn or reprimand firmly; to advise or urge earnestly
  30. wistful: having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing; nostalgic

English 12

Tonight, finish the questions on "To a Mouse"

Also, your vocabulary words are as follows:
  1. monogamous:  having only one mate, usually for life
  2. mnemonicpertaining to memory
  3. to waneto abate; to subside; to lessen in strength or intensity
  4. unbiddenunasked for
  5. shrilla sharp, piercing sound
  6. bougha tree branch
  7. connotationthe emotional or figurative meaning of a word
  8. to lurchto move in an erratic, uncontrolled manner
  9. geldcastrate; deprive of vigour or vitality
  10. scaffolda raised wooden platform historically used for hangings; a wooden structure used in construction
  11. bootlessfutile
  12. surlybad tempered; unfriendly
  13. rampartsa defensive wall of a castle or walled city, usually having a wide walkway and parapets
  14. azurea brilliant, sky blue
  15. enwroughtwoven; worked in with something (woven with golden thread)
  16. preconceptionsideas formed before having the facts
  17. tardylate
  18. runicconsisting of or written in runes; mysterious and secretive
  19. to squincha movement consisting of both squeezing and pinching
  20. portmanteau worda word blending the sounds and meanings of two other words (eg. Motel = motor and hotel)
  21. dalliance: casual involvement with something (esp. a romantic or sexual relationship)
  22. phlegmatic: an unemotional, calm disposition
  23. peripatetic: travelling from place to place, esp. working or based in different places
  24. inveigle: to persuade someone to do something especially by means of flattery or deception
  25. cupidity: greed for money or possessions
  26. brood (v): to think deeply on something that causes one unhappiness
  27. insouciant: showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent
  28. callous: having an insensitive or cruel disregard of others
  29. admonish: to warn or reprimand firmly; to advise or urge earnestly
  30. wistful: having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing; nostalgic