Also, your vocabulary words are as follows:
- monogamous: having only one mate, usually for life
- mnemonic: pertaining to memory
- to wane: to abate; to subside; to lessen in strength or intensity
- unbidden: unasked for
- shrill: a sharp, piercing sound
- bough: a tree branch
- connotation: the emotional or figurative meaning of a word
- to lurch: to move in an erratic, uncontrolled manner
- geld: castrate; deprive of vigour or vitality
- scaffold: a raised wooden platform historically used for hangings; a wooden structure used in construction
- bootless: futile
- surly: bad tempered; unfriendly
- ramparts: a defensive wall of a castle or walled city, usually having a wide walkway and parapets
- azure: a brilliant, sky blue
- enwrought: woven; worked in with something (woven with golden thread)
- preconceptions: ideas formed before having the facts
- tardy: late
- runic: consisting of or written in runes; mysterious and secretive
- to squinch: a movement consisting of both squeezing and pinching
- portmanteau word: a word blending the sounds and meanings of two other words (eg. Motel = motor and hotel)
- dalliance: casual involvement with something (esp. a romantic or sexual relationship)
- phlegmatic: an unemotional, calm disposition
- peripatetic: travelling from place to place, esp. working or based in different places
- inveigle: to persuade someone to do something especially by means of flattery or deception
- cupidity: greed for money or possessions
- brood (v): to think deeply on something that causes one unhappiness
- insouciant: showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent
- callous: having an insensitive or cruel disregard of others
- admonish: to warn or reprimand firmly; to advise or urge earnestly
- wistful: having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing; nostalgic