Monday, February 1, 2016

English 12

Tonight, finish the questions on "To a Mouse"

Also, your vocabulary words are as follows:
  1. monogamous:  having only one mate, usually for life
  2. mnemonicpertaining to memory
  3. to waneto abate; to subside; to lessen in strength or intensity
  4. unbiddenunasked for
  5. shrilla sharp, piercing sound
  6. bougha tree branch
  7. connotationthe emotional or figurative meaning of a word
  8. to lurchto move in an erratic, uncontrolled manner
  9. geldcastrate; deprive of vigour or vitality
  10. scaffolda raised wooden platform historically used for hangings; a wooden structure used in construction
  11. bootlessfutile
  12. surlybad tempered; unfriendly
  13. rampartsa defensive wall of a castle or walled city, usually having a wide walkway and parapets
  14. azurea brilliant, sky blue
  15. enwroughtwoven; worked in with something (woven with golden thread)
  16. preconceptionsideas formed before having the facts
  17. tardylate
  18. runicconsisting of or written in runes; mysterious and secretive
  19. to squincha movement consisting of both squeezing and pinching
  20. portmanteau worda word blending the sounds and meanings of two other words (eg. Motel = motor and hotel)
  21. dalliance: casual involvement with something (esp. a romantic or sexual relationship)
  22. phlegmatic: an unemotional, calm disposition
  23. peripatetic: travelling from place to place, esp. working or based in different places
  24. inveigle: to persuade someone to do something especially by means of flattery or deception
  25. cupidity: greed for money or possessions
  26. brood (v): to think deeply on something that causes one unhappiness
  27. insouciant: showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent
  28. callous: having an insensitive or cruel disregard of others
  29. admonish: to warn or reprimand firmly; to advise or urge earnestly
  30. wistful: having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing; nostalgic