Monday, May 15, 2017

English 10

Today, students handed in their extended metaphors and we collected eleven new vocabulary words.  Students were asked to read to page 212 for tomorrow.

The new vocabulary words are as follows:
1. sagacious (adj): showing great wisdom/intelligence
2. interlocutor (n):  a person who takes part in a conversation
3. brag (v):  to boast or show off
4. compel (v): to force someone to do something or make something happen
5. leverage (n/v): noun--the power to influence people, things or events/ the power to act effective verb--to support or to take action in order to be more financially secure; to use something to maximum advantage
6. retort (v):  to reply quickly in an angry or witty manner
7. poise (n):  balance/control of bodily movements; showing dignity and self-confidence
8. formidable (adj):  hard to handle or overcome; awe-inspiring in terms of size or excellence; causing fear or dread
9. indict (v): formally accuse or charge with a crime
10. meticulous (adj): showing extreme attention to detail
11. diligent (adj):  hard working; completing work with care and attention