Tonight, complete questions 1-5 on "A Handful of Dates". Also, note new words #6-10 of the class vocabulary list:
- to loathe (v) – to feel intense dislike or disgust for something
- contention (n) – (1) a heated disagreement; (2) an assertion, esp made in an argument
- to emerge (v) – (1) to become apparent, important or known; (2) to come into view
- transience (n) – lasting only for a short time, fleeting, momentary, passing
- to digress (v) – to leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing
- indolent (adj) -- lazy
- ablutions (n) -- the washing/cleansing of the body, especially connected with religious practices
- surfeit (n & v) -- (n) an excessive amount/a surplus of something; (v) to stuff to the maximum capacity
- callous (adj) -- cold, uncaring, insensitive (callus the noun is the hardened patch of skin, perhaps resulting from friction/hard work)
- malevolent (adj) -- evil, having or showing an intent to do evil to others
Yesterday, the students wrote a journal on
one of the following writing prompt options:
- People can sometimes surprise us.
- Describe favourite place from childhood.
Please make sure that the journal has been handed in to the appropriate bin at the back of the room.