Here are the groups:
Independent Novel
Groups 2020
1. Heart of Darkness—Suk, Lachlan, Lea, Ali (Panel discussion: March 5th or 6th--depends on what day class falls)
2. Into the Wild—Lexie, Jordan, Hellemond, Brandon (Panel discussion: March 5th or 6th)
3. Fifth Business—David, James, Emma, Sarah (Panel discussion: March 12 or 13th)
4. Kite Runner—TP, Jacqueline, Kamryn, Ghazal (Panel discussion: March 12 or 13th)
5. Cat’s Eye—Quinn McD, Amber, Madison (Panel discussion: the Thursday or Friday we are back from break)
6. The Plague—Meena, Bryn, John, Clelia (Panel discussion: the Thursday or Friday we are back from break)
The essays are due on the date of the next panel discussion. Essays for groups 5 and 6, however, will be due one week after the final panel discussion.
Don't forget to study for Thursday's test!