Tuesday, January 28, 2020

English Lit

Today, students were given novels for an independent essay assignment.  The two missing students have been put into the Into the Wild novel group and can pick up their books tomorrow or Thursday from me.

Here are the groups:

Independent Novel Groups 2020

1.       Heart of Darkness—Suk, Lachlan, Lea, Ali (Panel discussion: March 5th or 6th--depends on what day class falls)

2.       Into the Wild—Lexie, Jordan, Hellemond, Brandon (Panel discussion: March 5th or 6th)

3.       Fifth Business—David, James, Emma, Sarah (Panel discussion: March 12 or 13th)

4.       Kite Runner—TP, Jacqueline, Kamryn, Ghazal (Panel discussion: March 12 or 13th)

5.       Cat’s Eye—Quinn McD, Amber, Madison (Panel discussion: the Thursday or Friday we are back from break)

6.       The Plague—Meena, Bryn, John, Clelia (Panel discussion: the Thursday or Friday we are back from break)

The essays are due on the date of the next panel discussion. Essays for groups 5 and 6, however, will be due one week after the final panel discussion.

Don't forget to study for Thursday's test!