Today, students submitted their newspaper articles. When we return to school, we will read one final story, do some review of the stories and short story terms, and write a unit test. Students will also write a 2-3 page original short story. During the break, students should complete the short story review sheets on what we have read so far:
1. "The Golden Pants"
2. "The Sweater" (view the story HERE.)
3. "The Old Man"
4. "A Secret for Two"
5. "The Dog of Pompeii"
6. "The Sentry"
The six boxes on the review sheet are as follows:
1. Plot, setting, mood
2. Conflicts and how they end (star the most important conflict)
3. Point of view and a significant quote
4. Characters
5. Symbol (important object) and irony
6. Moral and/or Theme