All entries must be properly filed to attain a passing grade. Only material on the checklist should be in your portfolio. New material is underlined.
Clean, professional
Labelled along the spine
Four tabs and title pages
Attributes of the Ideal Graduate
Personal Health:
DPA’s that are up to date
Two reflective paragraphs on your physical activities
Three Day Food Log
Three Day Food Log
Reflection on nutritional habits
Canada Food GuideMy Food Guide
Salt Calculator
Career and Life:
Cover letter
Reference letter
Thank you letter (if you have it)
Employability Skills 2000 and the three paragraph reflection (typed)
Budget and reflection (typed)
Four career spotlights (handwritten is fine)
Career research assignment (typed)
Transition Plan worksheets (handwritten/point form) and the three-paragraph reflection (typed)
Community Connections:
Volunteer/work experience form(s) with the two paragraphs of reflection (typed)
Photos of activities that you think would be appropriate such as (travel/competitions/volunteer or work activities around the school and community), copies of award or merit certificates, photos or trophies, photos or examples of your sporting artistic pursuits, et cetera.