Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Graduation Transitions

Today, we watched a newscast about sodium intake and the Canadian diet.  Then, students filled out and printed out a questionnaire on their own salt intake that can be found at this address:

Then, students printed out Canadian Food Guide at this address:

Next, they went to the Canada Food Guide website at http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/food-guide-aliment/index-eng.php.  Then, they went to "My Food Guide" under "Additional Resources" on the sidebar or the page mentioned above.  They completed "My Food Guide" and printed it out.  This personalized guide gives people suggestions of the recommended servings of what they usually eat in a day. All these print outs must be placed in the "Personal Health" section of the Grad Portfolios.

Once students have done all this, they must type up a reflective paragraph that addresses this topic:

Look at your printout of "My Food Guide", your three day food log and think about the videos we have watched : The Great Salt Shakedown and Forks Over Knives.  Then, reflect on your own eating habits.  Are you happy with your eating habits or do you see room for improvement?  What would those improvements be?  What are the long-term effects of the choices you are making right now?  Are there any challenges you face in maintaining a healthier diet?