Friday, September 6, 2013

English 10

These are your vocabulary words: desolation (noun), refuge (n), vernacular (n), rear (verb), obliquely (adverb), divert (v), perversion (n), exquisite (adjective), indomitable (adj), lacerated (v), propinquity(n), inimical, ochre (noun/adjective - some dictionaries might have "ocher"), trussed (v), and fleece (noun).

Make sure you have your five definitions and be prepared to share them on Monday with your group.

Also, the two volunteers need to be ready to tell the class about "Jason and the Golden Fleece" (Chantal) and what exactly is "A Lone Pine" (Alec).

Also, I will give you a mark for having five dividers in your binder labelled "Short Stories", "Novel", "Writing and Grammar", "Shakespeare" and "Poetry".