Point 1: The protagonist in "The Sea Devil" is compassionate.
Example: provide an example with a quote from the story supporting Point 1
Explanation: tell how your example shows that the man is compassionate
Point 2: intelligent
Example: provide and example with a quote from the story supporting Point 2
Explanation: tell how your example shows the man's intelligence
Point 3: overconfident (you could also use a risk taker or oblivious)
Example: provide and example with a quote from the story supporting Point 3
Explanation: tell how your example shows the man's overconfidence
Also, your new spelling words for the week are as follows:
- accompany
- accomplice
- ambiguous
- animosity
- celestial
- cerebral
- chagrin
- disastrous
- elicit
- etiquette
- fictitious
- finesse
- hideous
- independence
- nauseated
The words in bold will be the vocabulary words for this week. The spelling/vocab quiz will be next Monday, Sept. 23.