Vocabulary words
- refuge (n) - a place of safety
- obliquely (adverb) - indirectly, evasively, coming at an angle and not straight on
- divert (v) - to change direction or redirect attention
- perversion (n) - a change from what is natural and normal to what is unnatural and abnormal
- indomitable (adj) - unbeatable, cannot be conquered
- lacerated (v) - savagely cut or sliced, mangled/jagged/torn
- inimical (adj) - harmful, hostile, unfriendly
- ochre (noun/adjective) - yellow/orange earth or pigments, yellow/orange colour
- trussed (v) - tied tightly, bound up to prevent movement
- foresight (n) - thoughtful regard for the future
- dissimulation (n) - to disguise under a false appearance
- vexed (v) - troubled; frustrated
- acuteness (n) - keenness; sharpness (of intelligence or senses)
- waned (v) - lessened
- audacity (n) - forwardness; boldness
- bade (v) - compelled
- derision (n) - contempt; ridicule
- matriarch (noun) - a woman who is the head of a family or tribe; an older woman who is powerful in a family, community or organization
- appropriation (noun) - a sum of money set aside
- degraded (verb) - put down; loss of value over time
- grim (adjective) - looking harsh or stern
- infatuated (adj) - a foolish attraction
- indulgently (adverb) - kindly (as in a loving grandparent to a grandchild)
- mock (verb) - to imitate or make fun of
- negotiable (adj) - open for discussion
- proverbial (adj) - well known (as in a well known proverb, or saying from the Bible)
- rapt (adj) - completely absorbed
- reprehensible (adj) - deserving to be criticized
- self-conscious (adj) - overly aware of self
- translucent (adj) - lets light through, but is not clear (think frosted glass)