Friday, February 28, 2014

English 10

This weekend, complete the graphic organizers on Miss Hancock and Charlotte's mother.  We will look at them on Monday.  You will write your essay in class on Tuesday.  In addition, study your vocabulary words for the test on Monday. They are as follows:

Vocabulary words

  1. refuge (n) - a place of safety
  1. obliquely (adverb) - indirectly, evasively, coming at an angle and not straight on
  1. divert (v) - to change direction or redirect attention
  1. perversion (n) - a change from what is natural and normal to what is unnatural and abnormal
  1. indomitable (adj) - unbeatable, cannot be conquered
  1. lacerated (v) - savagely cut or sliced, mangled/jagged/torn
  1. inimical (adj) - harmful, hostile, unfriendly
  1. ochre (noun/adjective) - yellow/orange earth or pigments, yellow/orange colour
  1. trussed (v) - tied tightly, bound up to prevent movement
  1. foresight (n) - thoughtful regard for the future
  1. dissimulation (n) - to disguise under a false appearance
  1. vexed (v) - troubled; frustrated
  1. acuteness (n) - keenness; sharpness (of intelligence or senses)
  1. waned (v) - lessened
  1. audacity (n) - forwardness; boldness
  1. bade (v) - compelled
  1. derision (n) - contempt; ridicule
  1. matriarch (noun) - a woman who is the head of a family or tribe; an older woman who is powerful in a family, community or organization
  1. appropriation (noun) - a sum of money set aside
  1. degraded (verb) - put down; loss of value over time
  1. grim (adjective) - looking harsh or stern
  1. infatuated (adj) - a foolish attraction
  1. indulgently (adverb) - kindly (as in a loving grandparent to a grandchild)
  1. mock (verb)  - to imitate or make fun of
  1. negotiable (adj) - open for discussion
  1. proverbial (adj) - well known (as in a well known proverb, or saying from the Bible)
  1. rapt (adj) - completely absorbed
  1. reprehensible (adj) - deserving to be criticized
  1. self-conscious (adj) - overly aware of self

  1. translucent (adj) - lets light through, but is not clear (think frosted glass)