Thursday, February 6, 2014

English 10

Today in class, we discussed "The Inheritor" and answered questions #1,2, 3, and 5 on page 41 of the text. Also, students were asked to a) state the conflicts in the story; b) explain and give a quote telling about what influenced the man to protect the ewe; and c) explain why the pilot reacted to the man the way he did.

For homework, students were asked to write down what certain story elements could represent.  For example, the man could be a symbol for all humans who must "come down from the trees and be master on the ground".  What could the sheep, the dingo and the setting represent?  Furthermore, students were asked to explain the significance of an assigned quotation from the book.  Here are the quotations and their corresponding page numbers:

  1. "inland a longer war." (page 35) - For people in the row furthest from the windows
  2. "...the crows...were restless but not afraid of the dingo.  He was a good provider...[but] when the man appeared...the crows left the tree and wheeled continuously..." (page 36) - For people in the 2nd row
  3. "The essential habits of dingos were not in his experience..." (page 36) - 3rd row
  4. "Soon their island would be so small that he and the dingo would be at one another's throats. That image needed correcting." (page 37) - 4th row
  5. Actually this is quote #6 on the sheet, but my computer will not let me fiddle with the numbers..."Now the man knew where he deserved to be, with the sheep." (page 38) - 5th row, by the windows
Remember to have your five dividers on Tuesday.  Have a good weekend.