Saturday, December 17, 2011

English 11

I hope you all have a restful break, and I'll look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, January 3rd.  On that day we will have our third literature circle, so please read up to page 209 in our novel.  If you missed the last day of classes and do not know your role, you must obtain that information from somebody in your group.

Have a Happy New Year!  See you in 2012!

Monday, December 12, 2011

English 11

Tomorrow you will be given a story that you have never seen before. Review the larger concepts of this unit if you want (after today's test, you are already quite well prepared).  Also, take a look at the notes on the character sketches we discussed today in class.

Furthermore, your personal response to our  novel is due tomorrow.

Friday, December 9, 2011

English 11

Well, although this is not exactly related to class, I thought I'd post my favourite rendition of  "Baby It's Cold Outside" for Pearl.  Thanks to her, the song was my "ear worm" all day long...good thing it's such a catchy tune!  Colin James is a terrific local musician; I hope you enjoy it.  Hear it at this address:

On a more studious note, your exam on Monday will consist of three sections.  The first section (worth 25 marks) will be a combination of true/false questions, matching and supplying terms.  Review the bolded terms on your blue sheets.  The second section will be quotations from each of the five stories where you will be asked to discuss their significance (10 marks).  The final section will be two short paragraphs (5 marks each).  You will have four questions to choose from.  The questions will be related to the larger concepts we have discussed in this unit:  theme, conflict, symbol and irony, etc.

On Tuesday, you will be given a story that you have never seen before.  You will then be asked some questions relating to the larger concepts we have discussed.  There will also be a longer written response section.  This will be similar to the diagnostic reading/writing test you wrote at the beginning of the term.

Judging by how well you reviewed in class today, you seem well prepared for Monday and Tuesday.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

English 11

The journal response to The Life of Pi has been postponed until next Tuesday.  Tomorrow, there will be a short quiz on semicolons (5 sentences).  Also, we will continue filling in the short story review sheet. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

English 11

Finish questions # 2,3 and 5 for "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty". Try writing a theme statement for this short story. Also, compose a personal response to the first 70 pages of The Life of Pi.  This response should be approximately 200 words, and may be written in first person.  This will be due on Friday.

Friday, December 2, 2011

English 11

Please correct the flawed sentences on the sentence fragment worksheet (some sentences are correct).  In addition, complete questions #2 and #5 on "Harrison Bergeron" in your short story textbooks.  Finally, continue reading the class novel and working on your first literature circle role sheet.  Have a terrific weekend!