Tuesday, April 30, 2019

English 10

Today, we reviewed the Chapter 12 questions, finished discussing symbolism and looked various examples of irony in the novel.  Finally, we wrote theme statements for the novel.

A paragraph was assigned for Friday asking students to discuss one example of irony as it related to a character or and event or an object.  Students must give the context, use a quote (with page number) explain the kind of irony and state why this ironic instance is important to the novel.

English Lit

Tonight, come up with one question and one lit device for "The Rape of the Lock".  I'll ask you to come up with one more question and a significant quote for Wednesday's homework.

Monday, April 29, 2019

English Lit

Tonight, make sure you have definitions for the following terms:
1. caricature
2. parody
3. wit
4. zeugma
5. aphorism

English 10

You should be finished reading the novel.  Tomorrow, we'll go over the Chapter 12 questions.  Also, make sure you have your own overriding question for the novel (that was assigned on Friday).  I'll also take in your journals on your best friend tomorrow. 

Finally, tonight find three examples of irony from anywhere in the novel.  Make sure one of your examples relates to an event, one example relates to an object, and one example relates to a character.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

English Lit

Please read pp. 332-342 in your textbook and take approximately 10 notes on what you think is most important.  We'll discuss it tomorrow.

English 10

Please answer the Chapter 10 questions and read Chapter 11 tonight.

Friday, April 19, 2019

English 10

This weekend, study your vocabulary words for the test on Wednesday.  Also, read Chapters 9 & 10, and do the questions for Chapter 9 (not 10).

English Lit

Tests on Tuesday and Wednesday.  See previous blogs.  Study well!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

English 10

Next Wednesday, we will have a vocabulary quiz on the Chapter 1-6 vocab words, so start reviewing them.  Also, tonight, choose any ten of the vocab words and use them in no more than five sensible sentences (that means use at least two words per sentence).  Finally, complete the Chapter 7 questions.
If you have not handed in the Chapter 5 questions and quote, you must do so.  Also, make sure your Chapter 3 and 4 cartoons are in.

Here are all the vocabulary words:

  1. sombre (adj): sober/serious; dull 
  2. tirade (n):  a long angry speech of criticism 
  3. enmity (n): hatred 
  4. hiatus (n):  a pause or gap  
  5. astern (adv): the back of a boat 
  6. tumult (n):  chaos/turmoil 
  7. decorous (adj):  gracious/polite 
  8. interminable (adj): unending/ceaseless 
  9. ebullience (n): bubbly joy; cheer 
  10. festooned (v): decorated/adorned/draped with a garland 
  11. recriminations (n): accusations in response to another’s accusations of wrongdoing 
  12. inscrutable (adj): impenetrable  
  13. heed (v): to pay careful attention to something  
  14. vicissitudes (n): unexpected changes or conditions  
  15. contrite (adj): feeling sorrow or regret  
  16. tacit (adj): implied or believed without being spoken aloud  
  17. furtive (adj): secret or hidden  
  18. loom (v): to appear in shadowy form; to hover in a threatening manner; to seem to be on the verge of happening  
  19. discount (v): to ignore or to doubt  
  20. detritus (n): any disintegrated material or debris  
  21. malevolently (adv): doing something with ill will or intent  
  22. atavistic (adj): characterized by reverting back to something ancient or primitive  
  23. taboo (adj):  forbidden; something that goes against the standards of a society  
  24. sinewy (adj):  lean and muscular  
  25. reverence (n): a deep feeling of respect  
  26. lamentation (n): an audible expression of deep grief and sorrow  
  27. mimicry (n): the act of imitating someone’s speech or behavior  
  28. taut (adj): pulled tight  
  29. emphatic (adj): strongly expressive in speech or action  
  30. diffidently (adv): lacking confidence in one’s own ability  
  31. leviathan (n): anything of immense size and power   
  32. mutinously(adv): with a feeling of rebellion  

English Lit

Tomorrow, we'll have a debate about whether or not Satan is the hero of Paradise Lost, so bring your arguments for and against.  You will be assigned sides.

Next week, you will be tested on the Renaissance during two class periods (a portion of each period both days).  On Tuesday, you will write about Milton and the test format will contain this:
Vocabulary section (5-10 words), a sample of writing from Milton that you will have to answer short answer and multiple choice questions on, a paragraph worth 10 marks.
On Wednesday, you will write about the other Renaissance works we studied.  You will be asked short answer questions on the following topics:
1. "Whoso List to Hunt"
2. "Nymph and Shepherd"
3. Shakespearean sonnet question
4. Another Shakespearean sonnet question
5. "A Valediction Forbidding Mourning"
6. "To the Virgins to Make Much of Time"

We will spend Thursday reviewing for the test.

Finally, here are the vocabulary words you'll have to know for Tuesday's test on Milton:
  1. coy 
  2. tarry 
  3. obdurate 
  4. ignominy 
  5. satiate 
  6. trepidation 
  7. apostate 
  8. lassitude 
  9. perdition 
  10. fetid 
  11. impious 
  12. incumbent  
  13. vaunting 
  14. adamantine 
  15. seraphim 
  16. cherubim 

Sunday, April 14, 2019

English Lit

This weekend, read over Paradise Lost and begin to note down evidence (quotations) that both support and refute the following question: 

Is Satan the hero of Paradise Lost?

The poets Byron and Shelly claimed that Milton was one of Satan's camp, he just didn't know it.  Others have disagreed.  On Wednesday, we'll have a debate about this--make sure you have arguments for and against because you won't know what side you'll be assigned.

English 10

On Thursday, students read Chapter 5 and then wrote (and answered) three open-ended questions about the chapter.  Then, they wrote down a quote from Chapter 5 and explained why they thought it was significant to the story.  I collected one open-ended question from each student at the end of the period. 

For homework, students need to complete the vocabulary sheet (both sides) on Chapters 3 and 4.  In addition, they need to read Chapter 6 and do the questions that were distributed in class.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

English 10

Complete questions 1-4 on Chapter 4; then, finish reading Chapter 4.  Your vocabulary cartoons are due tomorrow.  Also, here are the two journals I've assigned since beginning the book:

1. April 2--choose one of the following prompts:
                          What is necessary to uphold civilization? 
                      Are humans inherently evil? 
                      Is fear necessary in maintaining a society? 

  • 2. April 8--Tell about a time you faced a fear.  Were you able to conquer it, or did it grow in strength? 

English Lit

Today, we began reading Paradise Lost.  Tonight, go over the lines we've read so far and do the following:
  1. Make a list of phrases you don't understand. 
  2. Quote descriptions of the characters and places we have read about so far (Satan, Beelzebub, and Hell). Be sure to include line numbers. 

Monday, April 8, 2019

English 10

Tonight, complete the vocab cartoons on Chapters 1 & 2 for Wednesday.  Also, complete the journal that was assigned last week.  Here are the instructions:

Write a 1/2 to 1 page response to one of the following questions:
  • What is necessary to uphold civilization?
  • Are humans inherently evil?
  • Is fear necessary to maintain society?

Tomorrow, we'll complete another journal and begin reading Chapter 4, so you don't have to read tonight.

English Lit

Tonight, answer questions 1 and 2 on "On His Blindness" on page 304 in the text.  Also, highlight a literary device from the poem and choose a significant quote and explain it. 

Saturday, April 6, 2019

English 10

This weekend, read Chapter 3 of Lord of the Flies and answer questions 1-6 in the question package.  In addition, please finish the first side of the vocabulary sheet I gave you.  The drawings of four vocab words won't be due until next Wednesday.

Also, I forgot to ask for the paragraphs that were due on Friday (see blog post from last Tuesday).  Please have them ready to hand in on Monday.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

English 10

Today, we read to the bottom of page 37 in the novel.  Tonight, complete Chapter 2 questions #1-3.  No reading is assigned.  Do regularly review the vocabulary words you have been given.

English Lit

On Monday, we'll discuss whether or not "To the Virgins to Make Much of Time" is uplifting or not, so come to class with something to say!  Also, for Monday, please read (and take approximately 10 notes) on pages 301-302 of the text.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

English 10

Complete the questions on Chapter One and the chart on the various characters we've read about so far.

English Lit

No homework tonight.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

English Lit

Look up the term literary conceit and write the definition in your notes.  Then, complete the question, quote, and a literary device for both "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" and "Holy Sonnet 6".

English 10

Tonight, finish questions 1-3 on Chapter One--we'll read the rest of the Chapter tomorrow.  Also, complete the entries for Ralph and Piggy in the Character Analysis chart. 
For Friday, you will have to hand in a 1/2 to 1 page response to one of the following questions:

  • What is necessary to uphold civilization?
  • Are humans inherently evil?
  • Is fear necessary to maintain society?