Friday, December 11, 2015

English 10--all classes

The vocabulary tests will be ready on Tuesday, be sure to study!  The rest of the classes on Tuesday and Thursday will be devoted to writing the rough copy of the short story.

Impending due dates for assignments:

  • January 8th:  independent novel review
  • January 18th:  good copy of your short story is due, typed and proofread
      • the short story will be 700-1000 words
      • if you are not using a Harris Burdick image, you must hand in a copy of your picture with the story.  Bibliographical information for the image must also be supplied in the MLA format
Find a slideshare of the book, The Mysteries of Harris Burdick, here.

English 12

The vocabulary tests will be ready on Tuesday.  Each individual can choose between writing it on Tuesday or Thursday.  Moreover, all other class time on Tuesday and Thursday will be for writing the synthesis essay that we began preparing for today.  You may bring the Venn Diagram as your planning sheet, be sure to include on that sheet six quotations (with page numbers)--three per story.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

English 10, Period 5

For homework, bring in two copies of one of your extended metaphors that we wrote in class.  Make sure you have at least 3 points of comparison in your extended metaphor.  You need to make sure that you are comparing an emotion to an animal.  Here is an example:

Anger is a panther.  
It focuses on its prey; stalks it silently.  Then with an ear-splitting roar, it pounces, tearing its victim from limb to limb.  It will be satisfied only when it can walk away from the bloody pulp of its enemy.
  1. serendipity: good luck; happy chance
  2. adjacent:  next to; adjoining
  3. atrocious: especially vicious or repellant
  4. detrimental: something which creates a bad or negative effect
  5. opportune: well-suited and well-chosen timing
  6. ailurophile: cat lover
  7. oblivious: totally unaware
  8. ebullience:  bubbly enthusiasm
  9. fabricate:  to make; invent
  10. to loom: to hover over someone/something in a threatening manner
  11. espionage:  the act of spying, involving countries or corporations/industries
  12. vicinity:  area
  13. redistribution:  the act of sharing something between people in a different way
  14. abibliophobia:  the fear of running out of books to read
  15. jubilation:  extreme happiness; great rejoicing
  16. intrepid:  fearless
  17. cantankerous:  testy; cranky; bad-tempered
  18. feral:  savage; wild
  19. lurid:  shocking; sensational
  20. intrinsic:   extremely important and basic to the nature of a thing/person; in-born
  21. misogynist:  a person who hates women
  22. misanthrope:  a person who hates humanity; avoids human society
  23. sadist:  a person who enjoys inflicting pain on others
  24. masochist:  a person who enjoys receiving pain
  25. profuse:  abundant
  26. tacit:  silent agreement or understanding; communicating with looks, not words
  27. mitigate:  to make less severe, less serious, or less painful
  28. largesse:  generosity; bounty
  29. purport:  to make a false or questionable claim
  30. torrid:  blistering hot; passionate
  31. uxoricide:  the act of killing one's wife
  32. neophyte:  an amateur; one who is new to a stiuation, experience, or process
  33. slugabed: a lazy person who stays in bed all day
  34. tommyrot:  utter nonsense
  35. austere:  plain; unadorned; strict in manner
  36. argle-bargle:  meaningless talk
  37. solicitous:  eager; anxious to do something for someone else; showing great care/worry for another person
  38. chronic:  something which lasts a long time; constantly recurring
  39. cryptic:  hard to understand; has a secret meaning
  40. riven:  cracked or split in two; broken violently

English 10, Period 6

For homework, bring in two copies of one of your extended metaphors that we wrote in class.  Make sure you have at least 3 points of comparison in your extended metaphor.  You need to make sure that you are comparing an emotion to an animal.  Here is an example:

Anger is a panther.  
It focuses on its prey; stalks it silently.  Then with an ear-splitting roar, it pounces, tearing its victim from limb to limb.  It will be satisfied only when it can walk away from the bloody pulp of its enemy.

Here is the complete list of 40 words for Vocabulary Test 3:
  1. masochist: a person who enjoys receiving pain
  2. sadist: a person who enjoys inflicting pain
  3. conspicuous: obvious
  4. land lubber: a person who spends most of his/her life on land (not at sea)
  5. misogynist: a person who hates women
  6. purport: to make a false or questionable claim
  7. eminence: high placement/elevation or importance in rank
  8. misanthrope: a person who hates others (mankind/humanity)
  9. gullible:  easily fooled; easily duped
  10. presumptuous: a person rudely bold; one who goes beyond the limits of what is acceptable
  11. devious: underhanded; dishonest; cunning
  12. imbibe: to drink (often alcohol); to absorb ideas--this is a lesser used meaning
  13. logophile: a lover of words
  14. flamboyant: loud and showy; attracting attention
  15. frivolous: lack of seriousness; lack of sense
  16. plethora: an abundance; and excessive amount
  17. vile: evil or disgusting
  18. tommyrot:  complete and utter nonsense
  19. void: the emptiness and lack of life that is space (noun--I'll test you on the noun) OR to cancel--as in a cheque--or to empty--as in one's bladder (verb)
  20. delirious: confused; hallucinating; in an acutely disturbed state of mind resulting from illness or intoxication and characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence of thought and speech
  21. profuse:  abundant
  22. tacit: silent agreement or understanding; communicating with looks, not words
  23. mitigate:  to make less severe, less serious, or less painful
  24. largesse:  generosity; bounty
  25. loom:  to hover in a threatening manner (verb)
  26. lurid:  scandalous; sensational
  27. detrimental:  having a bad or negative effect
  28. intrinsic:  extremely important and basic to the nature of a thing/person; in-born
  29. serendipity:  good luck; happy chance
  30. torrid:  blistering hot; passionate
  31. uxoricide:  the act of killing one's wife
  32. neophyte:  an amateur; one who is new to a process, situation, or experience
  33. slugabed:  a lazy person who stays in bed
  34. austere:  plain; unadorned; strict in manner
  35. mariticide:  the act of killing one's spouse
  36. indubitable:  certain; without doubt
  37. inconnu: an unknown person; a stranger; a foreigner
  38. nincompoop:  a pathetically stupid or foolish person
  39. sycophant:  one who uses flattery to get ahead 
  40. terraqueous:  consisting of both land and water

English 10, Period 8

For homework, bring in two copies of one of your extended metaphors that we wrote in class.  Make sure you have at least 3 points of comparison in your extended metaphor.  You need to make sure that you are comparing an emotion to an animal.  Here is an example:

Anger is a panther.  
It focuses on its prey; stalks it silently.  Then with an ear-splitting roar, it pounces, tearing its victim from limb to limb.  It will be satisfied only when it can walk away from the bloody pulp of its enemy.

Here all the 40 vocabulary words for Vocabulary Test 2:

  1. contentment:  the state of wanting for nothing; happily satisfied
  2. mitigate: to make less severe, less serious, or less painful
  3. grim:  looking/being harsh or stern
  4. draconian: harsh or severe in manner
  5. misogynist: a person who hates women
  6. misanthrope: a person who hates others (mankind/humanity)
  7. masochist: a person who enjoys receiving pain
  8. sadist: a person who enjoys inflicting pain
  9. profuse: abundant
  10. tacit: agreement or understanding without words/silent agreement or silent understanding
  11. uxoricide:  the act of killing one's wife
  12. pulchritude:  beauty
  13. intrinsic: extremely important and basic to the nature of a thing/person; in-born
  14. consolidate:  to unite; to bring together
  15. neophyte:  an amateur; someone who is completely new to a place or a process
  16. covet:  to be envious; to desire what another person has
  17. charisma: charm; a magnetic quality which attracts people
  18. largesse:  bounty; generosity
  19. infatuated: to be intensely passionate about someone or something
  20. enfeebled:  to make weak or feeble
  21. loom:  to hover in a threatening manner (verb)
  22. lurid:  scandalous; shocking
  23. detrimental:   having a bad or negative effect
  24. purport:  to make a false or questionable claim
  25. serendipity:  good luck; happy chance
  26. torrid:  blistering hot; passionate
  27. tommyrot:  utter nonsense
  28. austere: extremely plain/unadorned; strict in manner, attitude or appearance
  29. slugabed:  a lazy person who stays in bed long past the time he or she should rise
  30. elucidate:  to make clear through explanation; to shed light on something
  31. martyr:  one who dies for a cause
  32. insatiable:  cannot be satisfied/filled
  33. indulge:  to allow oneself or someone else the pleasure of doing something
  34. genii:  more than one genius
  35. sycophant: a toady; one who uses flattery to get ahead
  36. miniscule:  extremely small in size
  37. exacerbate:  to make something worse
  38. masticate:  to chew
  39. imbibe:  to drink (usually alcohol); to absorb an idea
  40. poignant:  painfully moving; touching

English 12

For homework do questions 1-6 on "The Destructors"

Here are the 40 class vocabulary words for Vocabulary Test 2:
  1. profuse: abundant
  2. interminable: never-ending
  3. perfunctory: carried out with a minimum of reflection or thought
  4. audacity: boldness, gall, nerve
  5. derision: ridicule, scorn
  6. tacit: agreement or understanding without words/silent agreement or silent understanding
  7. torrid: very hot (in terms of temperature); very passionate
  8. myriad: an indefinitely great number; numerous
  9. petulant: childishly sulky; bad-tempered
  10. tirade: a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation
  11. blarney: flattery
  12. rhetoric:  effective use of language (speaking/writing); often this word is used to indicate that the message lacks sincerity or meaningful content
  13. epoch: a period of time in history (or less commonly--a period of time in an individual's life)
  14. mellifluous: having a pleasing, sweet, or musical sound
  15. laud:  praise
  16. frangible:  fragile; brittle
  17. tommyrot:  utter nonsense
  18. ineffable:  too great to be expressed in words (positive connotation); not to be uttered (a more negative connotation)
  19. austere:  extremely simple style; unadorned; strict in manner, attitude or appearance
  20. soporific:  sleep-inducing
  21. misogynist:  a person who hates women
  22. misanthrope:  a person who hates humanity/who avoids human society
  23. sadist:  a person who enjoys inflicting pain on others
  24. masochist: a person who enjoys receiving pain
  25. mitigate:  to make less severe, less serious, or less painful
  26. loom:  to hover in a threatening manner (verb)
  27. lurid:  scandalous; sensational
  28. detrimental:  having a bad or negative effect
  29. intrinsic:  in-born; important and basic to the nature of something/someone
  30. largesse:  generosity; bounty
  31. uxoricide:  the act of killing one's wife
  32. neophyte:  an amateur; someone who is new to an event, process or activity
  33. slugabed:  a lazy person who stays in bed as long as possible
  34. purport:  to make a false or questionable claim
  35. serendipity:  good luck; happy chance
  36. protestation:  an emphatic declaration that something is not true; an objection/protest
  37. engender:  to cause; give rise to; beget (this is an older meaning)
  38. blanche:  to lose colour suddenly (often from shock); to whiten; to pale
  39. ephemeral:  lasting for a very short time
  40. gauche: unsophisticated; socially awkward; lacking grace; lacking ease of movement