Friday, May 31, 2013

English 11

I'm looking forward to seeing your Macbeth projects on Monday.  Also read the short story "Fish Cheeks" and make note of five qualities which make this an engaging narrative.  As your final exam is on the horizon, you should begin reviewing your short story terms.

Graduation Transitions

Exit Interview Schedule - see me to schedule a time.  Slots after 4:10 are available most days.


Interviews after school will take place in D204 (right beside Mr.Hallam's room).  Interviews during school hours will take place in the Counselling Department.

Thursday, June 6th

3:10 - Michael N
3:25 - Dana
3:40 - Taylor
3:55 - Ryan M

Friday, June 7th

3:10 - Mia                       10:00 (am) - empty
3:25 - Domi                    10:15 (am) - empty
3:40 - Melissa
3:55 - Razan

Monday, June 10th

3:10 - Shannon
3:25 - Torah
3:40 - Tatiana
3:55 - empty

Tuesday, June 11th

3:10 - Sahand                  10:00 (am) - empty
3:25 - Travis                    10:15 (am) - Leanne
3:40 - empty
3:55 - empty

Wednesday, June 12th

3:10 - Westin                    9:00 (am) - empty
3:25 - Cole                       9:15 (am) - empty
3:40 - Luciano                  9:30 (am) - Woody
3:55 - empty                  10:00 (am) - Lawrence

Thursday, June 13th

3:10 - Cameron
3:25 - Sam
3:40 - Kerri
3:55 - Daryl

Friday, June 14th

3:10 - Jordan
3:25 - Min Sung
3:40 - empty
3:55 - empty

Tuesday, May 28, 2013



All entries must be properly filed to attain a passing grade.  Only material on the checklist should be in your portfolio.  New material is underlined.


Clean, professional
Labelled along the spine
Four tabs and title pages
Attributes of the Ideal Graduate

Personal Health:
DPA’s that are up to date
Two reflective paragraphs on your physical activities
Three Day Food Log
Reflection on nutritional habits
Canada Food Guide
My Food Guide
Salt Calculator

Career and Life:
Cover letter
Reference letter
Thank you letter (if you have it)
Employability Skills 2000 and the three paragraph reflection (typed)
Budget and reflection (typed)
Four career spotlights (handwritten is fine)
Career research assignment (typed)
Transition Plan worksheets (handwritten/point form) and the three-paragraph reflection (typed)

Community Connections:
Volunteer/work experience form(s) with the two paragraphs of reflection (typed)


Photos of activities that you think would be appropriate such as (travel/competitions/volunteer or work activities around the school and community), copies of award or merit certificates, photos or trophies, photos or examples of your sporting artistic pursuits, et cetera.   

Friday, May 24, 2013

English 11

The Coach's Corner assignment has been moved to Monday, June 3rd.  On Friday, May 31, you will write an in-class, mulit-paragraph assignment that incorporates quotations and answers this question:

Explain why audiences should or should not feel sorry for Macbeth by the end of the play.

An alternate question is this:

Explain why audiences should or should not feel sorry for Lady Macbeth by the end of the play.

Remember, Macbeth is a tragic hero.  He is a noble with a tragic flaw who is affected by outside influences and circumstances beyond his control which lead him into temptation.

You will be able to bring your textbook to class, but I suggest that you write out your quotations on a separate piece of paper and bring it to class on Friday (to save time).

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Graduation Transitions

Today, we watched a newscast about sodium intake and the Canadian diet.  Then, students filled out and printed out a questionnaire on their own salt intake that can be found at this address:

Then, students printed out Canadian Food Guide at this address:

Next, they went to the Canada Food Guide website at  Then, they went to "My Food Guide" under "Additional Resources" on the sidebar or the page mentioned above.  They completed "My Food Guide" and printed it out.  This personalized guide gives people suggestions of the recommended servings of what they usually eat in a day. All these print outs must be placed in the "Personal Health" section of the Grad Portfolios.

Once students have done all this, they must type up a reflective paragraph that addresses this topic:

Look at your printout of "My Food Guide", your three day food log and think about the videos we have watched : The Great Salt Shakedown and Forks Over Knives.  Then, reflect on your own eating habits.  Are you happy with your eating habits or do you see room for improvement?  What would those improvements be?  What are the long-term effects of the choices you are making right now?  Are there any challenges you face in maintaining a healthier diet?

Monday, May 20, 2013

English 11

Remember that your Shakespearean Insult letters are due on Tuesday.  You need to hand in your rough, modern English letter as well as your good copy.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Graduation Transitions

For those of you interested in First Nations culture, anthropology, or archaeology here is a link to the Squamish Lil'wat Cultural Centre.  This centre runs many interesting programs throughout the year for members of the public.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Graduation Transitions

Here are some trades related websites mentioned by Ms. Giraud:
Trades Careers:
Careers for students at BC Hydro:
Skills Canada Competition:

If you are interested in a field trip to the Skills Canada Competition in the first week of June, please see Ms.Giraud as soon as possible.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

English 11

Tonight, continue working on your Shakespearean insult letter.  Also, fill in--to the best of your ability--the handout on Act 4, scene 1 that I distributed in class.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

English 11

Thanks to one chemistry student's powers of persuasion, your quotation quiz on Acts 2 and 3 has been postponed until Friday.  If anyone is desperate to write it on Thursday, he or she may do so after school on May 16th.  Simply make arrangements with me tomorrow in order to write it early.

Homework tonight is the poetry matching sheet and the four quotations on Act 3.

Graduation Transitions

This week the career spotlight is on marketing and the music industry. Brian Watson, a Sutherland parent, has had an impressive career so far. This should be interesting for all  students.

Next Wednesday  Joseph Parro, a Sutherland parent, will speak on his 20 year career in the fashion industry, most recently with Sappho Organic Cosmetics.

If you are interested in a critical response to the science given in the documentary we watched in class, you may go to

Thursday, May 9, 2013

English 11

Write an insulting letter (without profanity) to someone who irks you.  Do not make any overt references to students or teachers at Sutherland.  This letter should be 150-200 words (approximately).  It will be due on Monday.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

English 11

Tonight, finish the questions on Act 2. Begin thinking about to whom you might write an insulting letter. More details on this to follow.

Friday, May 3, 2013

English 11

Today we finished watching Act I of Macbeth. Then, we answered most of the question sheet that I handed out on Wednesday.  We will complete that on Monday.  Students also made their Lord of the Flies presentations.

For homework this weekend, look up these vocabulary words:

  1. husbandry
  2. largess
  3. cleave - two meanings
  4. palpable
  5. knell
  6. quench
  7. surfeited
  8. infirm
  9. gild
  10. mutitudinous
Next week, you will have a quotations quiz on Act I.  I will give you more information about that on Monday.

Graduation Transitions

I handed out a Three Day Food Log for you to complete on three consecutive days.  This log will be a required element in your next portfolio submission.

Once you have completed your graduation speech, please hand in your blue instruction sheet to me.

Some notes on the Career Research Assignment:

1.  For section # 5, you will have to Google "Careers related to X" where X is your chosen career.  The link on the worksheet does not seem to work anymore.

2.  Here is the direct link mentioned in section #6:

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Graduation Transitions

Here is the copy of the next Portfolio Submission marking sheet.  Everything mentioned on the sheet must be put in order in your binder.  I have given you marks for some of these things already.  New assignments are underlined.  You will also be marked for continuing to have all your previous information filed completely.



Clean, professional
Labelled along the spine
Four tabs and title pages
Attributes of the Ideal Graduate

Personal Health:
DPA’s that are up to date
Three Day Food Log (to be completed on three consecutive days - see me for the form)

Career and Life:
Cover letter
Reference letter
Thank you letter (if you have it)
Employability Skills 2000 and the three paragraph reflection (typed)
Budget and reflection (typed)
Four career spotlights (handwritten is fine - you might not have all four yet, but you should have one at least)
Career research assignment (typed)

Community Connections:
Volunteer/work experience form(s) with the two paragraphs of reflection (typed)

**I will also give you a mark for completing the grad write up

Appendix: (I will not be giving you a mark on this section yet, but begin to think about and collect items for here)
Begin collecting photos of activities that you think would be appropriate such as (travel/competitions/volunteer or work activities around the school and community), copies of award or merit certificates, photos or trophies, photos or examples of your sporting artistic pursuits, et cetera.   

Graduation Transitions

Thursday/Friday group:

Today you had time to complete class assignments.  They are as follows:

1.  Career research assignment - due May 16th (Mon/Tues grp-May 13th)
2.  Budget sheet and reflection paragraph (see the post for April 22 for information on the paragraph)
3.  Volunteer/work experience form.  Once the form is completed, you must answer the two paragraph    questions at the bottom of the form.  Use the Employability 2000 sheet from earlier in the course to discuss relevant skills that you acquired.

On Monday, you must be in class to complete your graduation speeches with Ms.Clark.

The next portfolio submission will be May 16th (Mon/Tues grp-May 17th) 
All portfolio work is due June 3rd.  The exit interviews will be scheduled and will take place between June 4th and June 14th.  If you have any concerns about completing the assignments, see me as soon as possible.