Friday, March 30, 2012

English 11/12

This weekend, begin reviewing for your English final (either April 12th or 13th).

Please read "Circus in Town" and "Happyness for Sale" (happiness is misspelled on purpose), and complete the Venn diagram. In the Venn diagram, note the similarities and differences between the role of optimism in each story. That is, both protagonists are optimistic, but the quality of each person's optimism is different. You need to note how this is so.

Also, please just read the two poems "Those Winter Sundays" and " Wordsmith" to familiarise yourself with them. You do not need to answer the attached questions.

Here is the link to the two short stories:

 The comma make up quiz will be on Monday after class. Furthermore, our third Literature Circle will be on Tuesday.

Here is the first poem you need to read:

by Susan Young

In my mind I call my
father the Pollyfilla king,
watch with something akin to awe
as he begins the arduous process
of filling in the gaps, the long winded
cracks that travel down the walls of my house
like run on sentences.

From the sidelines I watch as he
trudges up and down the stairs, carrying
with nonchalance an industrial-sized bucket,
shiny spatula tucked into back pocket
for easy access.

Over and over again
with precision and grace
he fills and smooths and sands
as filling in all of the empty crevices
with the words he didn’t know how to say,
the lost syllables and consonants springing up
from the bucket, stubbornly announcing themselves
home, until there is only smoothness,
my fifty eight year old house a perfect sentence,

the veritable sheen of its walls
privy to this father of mine,
whose love keeps him moving
from room to room, brightly asking,
Do you think you’ll be painting the other room
upstairs sometime? I could start work on it now.
Then it’ll be ready for painting later.
Yes, I say, yes,
my face aglow.

Pollyfilla:  a brand of substance to fill cracks in plaster walls

Here is the second poem you need to read:

Those Winter Sundays                               
by Robert Hayden                                            

Sundays too my father got up early
and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,
then with cracked hands that ached
from labor in the weekday weather made
banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him.

I’d wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking.
When the rooms were warm, he’d call,
and slowly I would rise and dress,
fearing the chronic angers of that house,

Speaking indifferently to him,
who had driven out the cold
and polished my good shoes as well.
What did I know, what did I know
of love’s austere and lonely offices?


Thursday, March 29, 2012

English 11/12

Tomorrow, we will have a vocabulary quiz.  Please also complete the questions on Shakespeare's "Sonnet 18".

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

English 11/12

Tonight, please answer the questions on "I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud".  Also, please complete the Poetic Review Sheet to the best of your ability.  Most of the terms you should be familiar with, but there will be a few terms that we have not yet covered in class.  Remember, the vocabulary quiz is on Friday.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

English 11/12

Today we had our lit circles and did some planning for tomorrow's narrative compositions.   You may bring in some rough notes for the composition and an English to English dictionary.  Please also remember to bring in your personal timeline.  Tomorrow, you will also have the short quiz on commas.

There are some students who have, for a variety of reasons, missed a vocabulary quiz.  These students may write a make up quiz on Wednesday, April 4th, after class.  I will not review these words in class.  If you have any questions about them, you may see me after or before class any day before April 4th. Your words are:
somber, enmity, interminable, hiatus, ebullience, dilate, myriad, torrid, susurration, oppressive,
inscrutable, vicissitudes, tacit, tirade, taboo, and  sinewy

Monday, March 26, 2012

English 11/12

Welcome back!

Today we did a comma review sheet in preparation for a quiz on commas on Wednesday.

In addition, we reviewed the topic of. narrative compositions. Students need to create a personal timeline telling of 5-10 important people in their lives to date and 5-10 important experiences (scenes from their lives). The timeline will be due on Wednesday.

Also, students will write a 300-500 word narrative composition in class on Wednesday. It will be a scene where the student experienced joy, fear, pain, excitement or some other intense emotion. Students need to use as many narrative techniques as possible.

Finally, on Friday we will have a vocabulary quiz. The words are: audacity, incapacitated, chaperone, belligerent, platitudes, vacillate, nondescript, ominous, dissipate, jostle, trepidation, absolution, affronted, prevail, bereavement, and mesmerize.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

English 11/12

Tomorrow we will have a vocabulary quiz on the Water for Elephant words.  Please also bring your completed questions for "The Highwayman" and "Strongboy".  We will also discuss the two short answers to "David Comes Home", so please have them completed in point form for tomorrow.

Friday, March 2, 2012

English 11/12

Hello everyone,

I know that we covered a great deal of material very quickly yesterday.  The teachers' demonstration will last for three days.  Classes will resume on Thursday, March 8th.  Here is what I would like you to do while you are at home:

1.  Literature Circle preparation - first lit circle is Thursday, complete role sheets and vocabulary
Please do the vocabulary for the beginning of the book as we will have a vocabulary quiz on Friday and I wish to review the words on Thursday with you.  I have removed a couple of the words from the list so that there are now only 15 words you need to know. The words are:  frenetic (adj), languid (adj), coax (v), pneumatic (adj), tchotchke (n), nonchalantly (adv), devoid (adj), scrutinize (v), coquettishly (adv), diaphanous (adj), to be shanghaied (v), envision (v), hackles (n), dessicate (v), addle (v)

2.  "The Highwayman" - homework check on Friday
A highwayman is an old name for a person who would rob people who were traveling along roads. Although this poem was written in the early 1900's, it is set sometime in the 1700's. Complete as many of the questions as you can, I will be doing a homework check on this on Friday, March 9th.
Here is the link to the Loreena McKennit video that I would like you to listen to:

"The Highwayman" by Loreena McKennit

3.  "David Comes Home"- homework check on Thursday for this
This short story is from an old provincial exam.  Please read it and answer in point form only questions 1.a) and 1.b), the short answer questions.  Your answer to 1.a) will be shorter, but please also supply a quote from the story that indicates point of view.  For 1.b), you should have 4-5 points about the spinner and what it symbolizes, plus one or two quotes.  A spinner is a kind of lure put on a fishing line to attract prey. Do not worry about question 2, the multi-paragraph composition.  We will discuss it in class.

4.  Narrative composition - I will take in the handout on "Strongboy" on Thursday.
Please read over the material on narrative compositions.  We read "Fish Cheeks" together and discussed it.  Then, I handed out "Strongboy".  Please read that and answer the the questions on the back by referring to the handout that I gave you entitled "Narrative Essays". You can reread "A Not So Silent Night" and see how I employed certain narrative techniques mentioned in the handout.  You will be writing your own narrative compositions after Spring Break. You might want to start thinking of a scene from your own life that you could turn into a narrative essay.  Start thinking of a  funny, touching, meaningful, painful, frightening, or thrilling scene from your own life that you might write about.

I think that this should give you enough work to do. If you have any questions, you may email me this weekend.  I will be able to reply to emails up until Sunday at midnight.  I will then be unavailable until Thursday morning. See you then!


Thursday, March 1, 2012

English 11/12

We'll have a vocabulary quiz tomorrow. Please also complete the questions on "Fish Cheeks". Continue reading the novel and working on your literature circle roles.