Wednesday, November 30, 2016

English 10

Both classes should read Chapter 22 of the novel.  The writing assignment I gave today is as follows:

Write a one-page response (single spaced/two-page double spaced) where a character discusses his or her reaction to the trial.  How does your character understand what happened and how does he or she feel about it?

Your choices are...

  • Tom writes a letter to his wife from his jail cell
  • Dill writes a letter to Boo
  • Mayella talks to her geraniums
  • Braxton Underwood writes an editorial for his paper
  • Scout explains the trial to Little Chuck Little
  • Jem explains the trial to Miss Maudie

This assignment is due on Friday.  I'll mark you faithfulness to the character, creative engagement, and grammatical and written expression.

English 11

Tonight, fill in the Venn Diagram for Saul and Jordin Tootoo.  Then, write a possible opening sentence or two for your essay.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

English 11

Period 2

Do the questions for Chapters 19 and 20 and read Chapter 21 for homework.  You should be reviewing the vocabulary words for the quiz on December 7th.

Period 4

Do the questions for Chapters 20 and 21.  You should be reviewing the vocabulary words for the quiz on December 7th.

English 11

Tonight, read the Jordin Tootoo article and do the multiple choice questions.  You should also be reviewing the vocabulary words for the test on Dec. 9th.

Monday, November 28, 2016

English 10

Period 2
Finish the questions for Chapters 17 and 18.

Period 4
Use 10 vocabulary words to write sentences about the novel.  If you can fit more than one vocabulary word into each sentence--great!  Also, complete the questions for Chapter 19.

English 11

Tonight, finish read the class novel.  Tomorrow, I'll collect your 5 vocabulary words/definitions.

Friday, November 25, 2016

English 11

Choose to respond to one of the works we've just discussed ("Take That", "I Lost My Talk" and "Black Is My Country").  Explain how it relates to Indian Horse.  Your response should be formal, so avoid I-statements, contractions and informal language.  Use quotations to support your ideas as well.  This response should be about a page in length and be comprised of one to three paragraphs.

If you would like the class' book summary, send me an email and I'll send you the as yet unfinished document.

English 10

Period 2

Do the questions for Chapter 16, read Chapters 17 and 18, and write sentences about To Kill A Mockingbird using 10 of the class vocabulary words.  Try to compose your sentences so that they include more than one vocabulary word if you can.

Period 4
Do the questions for Chapter 16, and read Chapters 17 and 18. Make sure you are reviewing your vocabulary words.

The next vocabulary test will be on Wednesday, December 7th.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

English 11

Tonight, read Ch 44, 45, 46.  As of Friday, once we read a particular chapter, the person responsible for summarizing that chapter has two days to hand in his or her summary.

English 10

Period 2
Finish reading Chapter 15, and do questions for Chapters 14 --15.

Period 4
Complete the questions for Chapter 15, read Chapter 16 and write one good question about it--you do not have to know the answer to your question. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

English 11

Period 2
No homework.

Period 4
Do the questions for Chapter 14.

English 11

Tonight, make sure that you have two good questions for each of today's readings.  Also, write down a brief response to how each reading is related to Indian Horse.  Finally read up to the end of Chapter 43.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

English 11

Your new vocabulary words are in Monday's posting.  You should still be collecting vocabulary words and definitions as I'll take in 5 next Monday.  Tonight, make sure you answer all the questions on Chapters 29-35 and read Chapters 37 and 38.

English 10

The new vocabulary words are in Monday's posting. Tonight, please read Chapter 14.  You should also be in the process of collecting vocabulary words.  I'll take in 5 next Monday.

Monday, November 21, 2016

English 11

Today in class, students signed up to write chapter summaries for our class novel. Your assignment is to send me a Word document that I can edit that summarizes your assigned chapter(s).  Also add a brief section that says why this chapter is important to the novel.

Also, collect 5 vocabulary words and definitions for next Monday.  Your next 10 vocabulary words are as follows:

  1. chimera (n)—a monster formed from bits and pieces of other creatures; a thing that is hoped or wished for but is in fact illusory and impossible to achieve
  2. voluble (adj)—speaking or spoken incessantly and fluently
  3. raconteur (n)—a person who tells anecdotes and stories in a skillful manner
  4. dexterity (n)—skill in performing tasks especially with one’s hands
  5. arsenal (n)—a collection of weapons/military equipment or a place where weapons and military equipment are stored
  6. stoic (adj)—a person who can endure pain or hardship without complaint
  7. festooned(v)—adorned with garlands or other decorations
  8. semblance (n)—the outward appearance or apparent form of something especially when the reality is different (she tried to force her thoughts back into some semblance of order)
  9. deadfall (n)—a tangled mass of fallen trees and branches
  10. scrutinize (v)—to study carefully; examine or inspect thoroughly

English 10

Make sure your answers are complete for the questions on Part One of the novel.  You will use them for tomorrow's quiz.  Period 4 is to read Chapter 13 tonight.

Period 4 should also be collecting vocabulary words and definitions for next Monday.

Periods 2 and 4, your ten vocabulary words for this week are as follows:

  1. abate (v):  to reduce in amount or intensity; to "let up"
  2. algid (adj):  cold or frozen
  3. phalanx (n): any closely grouped mass of people (usually used in military terms for groups of soldiers)
  4. bigot (n):  a narrow-minded, prejudiced person
  5. dissident (n):  person who opposes official policy
  6. immorality (n): wickedness--the opposite of scruples
  7. cantankerous (adj):  bad tempered and uncooperative (older people are often called this whereas younger people are often called obstreperous)
  8. coerce (v):  to force someone to action using physical force or threats
  9. vindictive (adj):  an unreasonable desire for revenge (the opposite of magnanimous)
  10. demure (adj):  quiet, modest, and reserved
  11. ramshackle (adj):  messy, run-down appearance (especially of a building)

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

English 11

Tonight, finish the sheet on poetic terms used in the class novel.  

We also added 10 new words to the class vocabulary list.  They are as follows:

  1. erratic (adj): unpredictable; not even or regular in pattern or action
  2. erroneous (adj): wrong; incorrect
  3. maverick (n):  an independent-minded person
  4. ubiquitous (adj): appearing everywhere at once; also, found everywhere
  5. albeit (conjunction): although; even though
  6. coalition (n): an alliance (usually temporary) for a combined action (political or military action)
  7. facetious (adj): not to be taken seriously; treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humour; flippant
  8. cognizant (adj): having knowledge of something or being aware of something
  9. paroxysm (n): any sudden, violent outburst; a fit of anger or grief; a sudden burst of activity
  10. obstreperous (adj): noisy and difficult to control; stubborn, cranky, and irritable
Next Monday, you'll have to bring in five new vocabulary words and definitions, so begin taking note of good words now.

English 10

Period 2 must finish reading Chapter 10.  Otherwise, students in both classes need to work on their first visual/narrative response, which is due on Friday.

We also added ten new vocabulary words to the class list.  
Period 2, here are your next ten words:

  1. erratic (adj): unpredictable; not even or regular in pattern or action
  2. erroneous (adj): wrong; incorrect
  3. admonish (v): to scold; to warn or reprimand firmly; to warn earnestly
  4. provocation (n): speech or action intended to cause anger
  5. wanderlust (n): the desire to travel
  6. magnanimous (adj): very generous or forgiving, especially to a rival or someone weaker than oneself
  7. abet (v): to encourage or help someone to commit a crime
  8. scrupulous (adj): having moral principles; extreme attention to detail
  9. dismantle (v): to take something apart into it component pieces
  10. ephemeral (adj): lasting only a very short duration of time
Next Monday, you'll have to bring in five new vocabulary words and definitions, so begin taking note of good words now.

Period 4, here are your next ten words:
  1. ubiquitous (adj): appearing everywhere at once; also, found everywhere
  2. albeit (conjunction): although; even though
  3. coalition (n): an alliance (usually temporary) for a combined action (political or military action)
  4. facetious (adj): not to be taken seriously; treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humour; flippant
  5. cognizant (adj): having knowledge of something or being aware of something
  6. paroxysm (n): any sudden, violent outburst; a fit of anger or grief; a sudden burst of activity
  7. obstreperous (adj): noisy and difficult to control; stubborn, cranky, and irritable
  8. scrupulous (adj): having moral principles; extreme attention to detail
  9. dismantle (v): to take something apart into it component pieces
  10. ephemeral (adj): lasting only a very short duration of time
Next Monday, you'll have to bring in five new vocabulary words and definitions, so begin taking note of good words now.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

English 10

You do not have to read any chapters this weekend.  Just use this weekend to work on your Visual/Narrative Response.  Over the course of the novel, you will complete two of these two-page responses (the handout says three, but that was a typo).  The first response is due on Friday, November 18th. The second will be due once we finish reading the book.

If you missed school on Thursday, please email me for the assignment.

English 11

From Chapters 16 - 19, ask two good questions.  Do the same for Chapters 20 - 24 (You don't have to answer these questions, yet.).  Also, look at all those chapters and find a quote that you like. Write a response on why you like the quote or why you think it is significant to the story.

Finally, answer any two of the Ch. 11-15 questions that we looked at today in class.  We'll discuss all of them on Tuesday.  I will be taking in your responses.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

English 10

Period 2

Read Chapter 10.

Period 4

Read part of Chapter 9
Specifically, read up until the part where Scout, Jem, Atticus, and Uncle Jack go to Finches Landing to celebrate Christmas with Aunt Alexandra and her family.

English 11

Tonight, read Chapters 16-19 of the class novel.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

English 10, Period 2

Tonight, read Chapter 8 and answer the questions for Chapters 7 and 8.

Also, your first 10 class vocabulary words for Vocabulary Test #2 are as follows:

  1. apothecary (noun): a person who prepares and sells medicine; old word for a pharmacist
  2. ubiquitous (adj): appearing everywhere at once; also, found everywhere
  3. albeit (conjunction): although; even though
  4. coalition (n): an alliance (usually temporary) for a combined action (political or military action)
  5. facetious (adj): not to be taken seriously; treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humour; flippant
  6. cognizant (adj): having knowledge of something or being aware of something
  7. paroxysm (n): any sudden, violent outburst; a fit of anger or grief; a sudden burst of activity
  8. morphodite (n): another word for a hermaphrodite; having both male and female sex characteristics
  9. obstreperous (adj): noisy and difficult to control; stubborn, cranky, and irritable
  10. longevity (n): duration of life; long life; long service; long existence

English 10, Period 4

Tonight, read Chapter 8 and answer the questions for Chapters 6 and 7.

Also, your first 10 class vocabulary words for Vocabulary Test #2 are as follows:
  1. misanthrope (n): a person who dislikes people in general and avoids their company
  2. maverick (n): an unorthodox or independent-minded person
  3. erratic (adj): unpredictable; not even or regular in pattern or action
  4. erroneous (adj): wrong; incorrect
  5. admonish (v): to scold; to warn or reprimand firmly; to warn earnestly
  6. provocation (n): speech or action intended to cause anger
  7. wanderlust (n): the desire to travel
  8. magnanimous (adj): very generous or forgiving, especially to a rival or someone weaker than oneself
  9. abet (v): to encourage or help someone to commit a crime
  10. corpulent (adj): overweight, fat

English 11

Tonight, read Chapters 11, 12, and 13.  Keep track of any questions or comments you may have while reading this.

Also, your first 10 class vocabulary words for Vocabulary Test #2 are as follows:
  1. candor (n): honesty, frankness
  2. brusque (adj): abruptness of speech or manner; dismissive, rude
  3. dwell (v): to think deeply about something; to live in a specified place
  4. scrupulous (adj): having moral principles; extreme attention to detail
  5. dismantle (v): to take something apart into it component pieces
  6. dwindle (v): to decrease gradually in size, amount, or strength
  7. ephemeral (adj): lasting only a very short duration of time
  8. matriarch (n): female leader of a family or tribe
  9. hobble (v): to walk in an awkward way because of pain or injury
  10. shimmer (v): to shine or with a soft, wavering light               
                        (n): a soft, wavering light

Saturday, November 5, 2016

English 11

Read up to the end of Chapter 10.  Write three questions about the material contained within Chapters 5-10, then try to answer them.

Also, select a quotation from these first 10 chapters that appeals to you in some way (you find it curious, you disagree with it, you have always felt the same way, you have never thought about the subject matter in this way, or you find the quote intriguing or beautiful in some way).

Finally, your five vocabulary words/definitions will be due on Monday.

English 10

Period 2:

Read Chapter 5 and do the questions for it.  Also, write a six word story about any character that you have read about in the novel so far.  Finally, your five vocabulary words/definitions will be due on Monday.

Period 4
Read Chapter 5 and do the questions for Chapters 4 and 5.  Also, your five vocabulary words/definitions will be due on Monday.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

English 11

Read chapters 3 and 4 of the novel and write down two questions for each chapter.  You don't have to worry about answering the questions, yet.

Look for five good vocabulary words/definitions for Monday.

English 10

Period 2:
Answer the questions for Chapter 2 and 3 of the novel.

Period 4:
Answer the questions for Chapter 2.  Also, give three traits each for Scout and Jem.  Provide evidence for each trait.

Both classes:
Look for five good vocabulary words/definitions for Monday.  The novel is a terrific source for vocab words.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

English 10, Period 2

Tonight, write down three adjectives each for Scout, Dill, and Jem.  Give a supporting fact for each adjective.  For example, your first entry for Scout can be this...

1.  Intelligent--Scout is only six, yet she can read (and for those of you in Period 2) and write cursive letters.