Friday, November 22, 2013

English 10

Read Chapters 23 and 24 for homework.  Make sure that you have answered the questions up until and including Chapter 22.  I will collect your responses for Chapters 1 -17 on Monday.  Make sure that your responses are as complete as possible.

Your weekly vocabulary words are as follows:
abhor (verb) - to feel hatred or disgust toward something or someone
assuage (v) - to ease an unpleasant feeling
facetious (adj) - flippant, playfully jocular in a mischievous way
insatiable (adj) - incapable of being satisfied
cessation (n) - a stoppage or discontinuation of something
impassive (adj) - not feeling or showing emotion
elucidate (v) - to make clear by explanation
impel (v) - to force or urge to action
eccentricities (n) - out of the ordinary (usually harmless behaviour, words or dress), weirdly attractive
resuscitate (v) - to revive from unconscousness or apparent death
ubiquitous (adj) - something which is found or appears in many places (or everywhere)
halitosis (n) - bad breath