Tuesday, December 1, 2015

English 12

For homework do questions 1-6 on "The Destructors"

Here are the 40 class vocabulary words for Vocabulary Test 2:
  1. profuse: abundant
  2. interminable: never-ending
  3. perfunctory: carried out with a minimum of reflection or thought
  4. audacity: boldness, gall, nerve
  5. derision: ridicule, scorn
  6. tacit: agreement or understanding without words/silent agreement or silent understanding
  7. torrid: very hot (in terms of temperature); very passionate
  8. myriad: an indefinitely great number; numerous
  9. petulant: childishly sulky; bad-tempered
  10. tirade: a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation
  11. blarney: flattery
  12. rhetoric:  effective use of language (speaking/writing); often this word is used to indicate that the message lacks sincerity or meaningful content
  13. epoch: a period of time in history (or less commonly--a period of time in an individual's life)
  14. mellifluous: having a pleasing, sweet, or musical sound
  15. laud:  praise
  16. frangible:  fragile; brittle
  17. tommyrot:  utter nonsense
  18. ineffable:  too great to be expressed in words (positive connotation); not to be uttered (a more negative connotation)
  19. austere:  extremely simple style; unadorned; strict in manner, attitude or appearance
  20. soporific:  sleep-inducing
  21. misogynist:  a person who hates women
  22. misanthrope:  a person who hates humanity/who avoids human society
  23. sadist:  a person who enjoys inflicting pain on others
  24. masochist: a person who enjoys receiving pain
  25. mitigate:  to make less severe, less serious, or less painful
  26. loom:  to hover in a threatening manner (verb)
  27. lurid:  scandalous; sensational
  28. detrimental:  having a bad or negative effect
  29. intrinsic:  in-born; important and basic to the nature of something/someone
  30. largesse:  generosity; bounty
  31. uxoricide:  the act of killing one's wife
  32. neophyte:  an amateur; someone who is new to an event, process or activity
  33. slugabed:  a lazy person who stays in bed as long as possible
  34. purport:  to make a false or questionable claim
  35. serendipity:  good luck; happy chance
  36. protestation:  an emphatic declaration that something is not true; an objection/protest
  37. engender:  to cause; give rise to; beget (this is an older meaning)
  38. blanche:  to lose colour suddenly (often from shock); to whiten; to pale
  39. ephemeral:  lasting for a very short time
  40. gauche: unsophisticated; socially awkward; lacking grace; lacking ease of movement