Wednesday, November 30, 2016

English 10

Both classes should read Chapter 22 of the novel.  The writing assignment I gave today is as follows:

Write a one-page response (single spaced/two-page double spaced) where a character discusses his or her reaction to the trial.  How does your character understand what happened and how does he or she feel about it?

Your choices are...

  • Tom writes a letter to his wife from his jail cell
  • Dill writes a letter to Boo
  • Mayella talks to her geraniums
  • Braxton Underwood writes an editorial for his paper
  • Scout explains the trial to Little Chuck Little
  • Jem explains the trial to Miss Maudie

This assignment is due on Friday.  I'll mark you faithfulness to the character, creative engagement, and grammatical and written expression.