Monday, May 29, 2017

English 11

Today, we read Act III, scenes i-iii.  Answer the study guide questions for tomorrow on these scenes.

I also gave out the final vocabulary words.  Period 3, here are your words:

1. loathesome (adj):  causing feelings of hatred or disgust; repulsive
2. supplication (n):  the action of begging for something earnestly or humbly
3. refurbish (v):  renovate or redecorate (especially a building)
4. denote (v):  to indicate; to be a sign of something
5. subsequent (adj): coming after something in time; following
6. polymath (n): a person of wide-ranging knowledge or learning
7. vainglorious (adj): excessively proud of oneself or one’s achievements
8. ubiquitous (ajd):  appearing or found everywhere
9. debauchery (n):  excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures
10. harbinger (n):  a person or thing that signals or announces the entrance of another
11. to become (v):  to look good on someone; to make him or her more attractive

12. corporeal (adj): relating to a person’s body, especially as opposed to a person’s spirit
13. vaulting (adj): jumping
14. husbandry (n): the care, cultivation and breeding of crops and animals
15. compunction (n): feelings of guilt; pangs of conscience
16. equivocator (n): a person who does not speak the whole truth or speaks ambiguously
17. surmise (v): to suppose something is true without any evidence
18. cleave (v): to split or sever especially along a natural grain; OR to join together****
19. palpable (adj): able to be touched or felt; a feeling so intense that it is almost intangible
20. largess (n): generosity in giving money or gifts to others
21. dauntless (adj):  fearless
22. rebuke (v):  scold; reprimand harshly
23. barren (adj):  childless; infertile
24. defile (v):  make dirty or corrupt morally
25. incensed (adj):  enraged; angry
26. sundry (adj):  various; several
27. jocund (adj):  jouful
28. drowse (v):  be dull and sleepy; be half asleep
29. mirth (n):  joy
30. infirmity (n):  a physical or mental weakness

Period 4, here are your words:

1. aptitude (n):  natural ability or skill
2. talisman (n): an object thought to bring good luck
3. harassment (n):  intimidation; aggressive pressure
4. guzzle (v):  to drink quickly or greedily
5. incondite (adj):  crude or poorly constructed (often pertaining to literature); lacking refinement
6. harbinger (n):  a person or thing that signals or announces the entrance of another
7. hilt (n):  the handle of a weapon or a tool
8. purportedly (adv):  claimed to be true
9. herculean (adj): having or requiring great strength (note the spelling)
10. tenuous (adj): not substantial; weak; slight; flimsy
11. to become (v):  to look good on someone; to make him or her more attractive
12. corporeal (adj): relating to a person’s body, especially as opposed to a person’s spirit
13. vaulting (adj): jumping
14. husbandry (n): the care, cultivation and breeding of crops and animals
15. compunction (n): feelings of guilt; pangs of conscience
16. equivocator (n): a person who does not speak the whole truth or speaks ambiguously
17. surmise (v): to suppose something is true without any evidence
18. cleave (v): to split or sever especially along a natural grain; OR to join together****
19. palpable (adj): able to be touched or felt; a feeling so intense that it is almost intangible
20. largess (n): generosity in giving money or gifts to others
21. dauntless (adj):  fearless
22. rebuke (v):  scold; reprimand harshly
23. barren (adj):  childless; infertile
24. defile (v):  make dirty or corrupt morally
25. incensed (adj):  enraged; angry
26. sundry (adj):  various; several
27. jocund (adj):  jouful
28. drowse (v):  be dull and sleepy; be half asleep
29. mirth (n):  joy
30. infirmity (n):  a physical or mental weakness