Tuesday, September 25, 2018

English 8

On Friday, students will have a regular spelling quiz on 15 commonly misspelled words.  They will also have a quiz on nouns and verbs, similar to the sheet the class worked on today.

For homework, students need to complete the journal they were given today (if they didn't finish during class).  The three writing prompt options are as follows:
1. If I could predict the future...
2. The cheater
3. The eeriest experience...

I've asked students to try to use at least one of the following vocabulary words in bold (from "The Golden Pants") in their journal:
1. pinnacle (noun) -- the highest point
2. remorse (noun) -- a feeling of guilt
3. maternal (adjective) -- relating to mothers
4. luster (noun) -- a gentle shine or soft glow
5. dowdy (adjective) -- dull, unstylish, ordinary
6. gusto (noun) -- great enthusiasm
7. heretic (noun) -- an unbeliever