Monday, October 29, 2018

English 8

Today in class, we reviewed Point of View (first person and third person only) and applied our understanding to the stories in the short story unit.

Then, students worked on review posters of all the stories in the unit.  Tomorrow, we will finish these and use them to make the short story review sheets as complete as possible.

Tonight, students can work on their short stories that are now due on Monday, November 5th.  They can also review for the short story test, but memorizing the words on their short story terms sheet.

Tuesday's test will consist of...

  1. approximately 10 questions on the short story terms for 15 points
  2. a matching/labeling section on terms worth 12 points.
  3. five short answer questions on the stories and how they relate to the terms worth 15 points
  4. one paragraph question worth 10 marks