Tuesday, February 19, 2019

English Lit

Today, we looked at some vocabulary words from The Canterbury Tales.  These are ones that could show up on the next test (not all will be on it):  stave (verb), burnished (adj), boorish (adj), sundry (adj), counterfeit (adj), engender (v), cloisters (n), screed (n), tormented (v/adj), palfrey (n), sovereign (n/adj), zest (n), accrue (v), wrought (as in wrought-iron -- adj).

After doing this, we continued reading and covered the Friar, the Merchant, the Oxford Cleric, and  the Sergeant at Law.  For each character, students were asked again to supply one telling quotation and a sentence or two of their own explaining the character (paying special attention to any mentions of clothes, horses, colours, food, physical appearances, or references to temperament/humours).