Monday, June 3, 2019

English Lit

Tonight, do the following:
1. state what is happening in your assigned stanza for "Ode to a Nightingale"
2. pick a quote and literary device from "When I Have Fears"
3. Do question #1 from the "Study and Discussion Questions on "When I Have Fears" on page 560.

Your final exam on June 17 will include the following:
  • quotes identify author, title and significance of quote in context to the work as a whole (15) 
  • quotes identify the literary technique used and show how it’s unique to either the literary time period or the author (15) 
  • A sight-reading passage—a poem you have not encountered from a period we have studied with three 5 mark questions (15) 
  • A paragraph on a specific time period (10 marks).  You’ll be asked a question on a time period (you’ll be given 2 questions to choose from) 
  • Short essay (3 paragraphs) on one of the themes of the course (we’ll have a fishbowl)…You’ll guess the themes (30) 
  • 5 mark question for which you cannot really prepare