Tuesday, September 24, 2019

English 10

Today, we read "The Telltale Heart" (page 56).  Students came up with the following questions.  Everyone in class was assigned one of these.  If you were not in class, choose one and answer it. The questions are as follows:
1. What is the relationship between the protagonist and the old man?
2. DON'T ANSWER THIS ONE BECAUSE WE DID IT IN CLASS (Is the old man blind? Yes, he has a cataract)
3. Why does the protagonist go crazy?
4. Why/how does the protagonist hear the old man's heartbeat after the murder?
5. Why did the protagonist murder the old man in such an inefficient manner? (smothering)
6. What is the "disease" that heightens the protagonist's senses?
7. What are two prominent symbols in this story?  Explain what you think they mean.