Tuesday, November 12, 2019

English 8

I hope you were all paying close attention to the class debate today because you now have to write a properly formatted paragraph that argues whether Johnny should be sent to prison for the murder of Bob Shelton (the Soc), or whether Johnny should be acquitted of the crime (set free).  This paragraph is due on Thursday.  Here is a reminder of the format for an expository paragraph of 8-12 sentences:

1. Topic sentence (where you state whether Johnny should be imprisoned or acquitted)
2. Reason #1 for your opinion.  State this in 2-3 sentences.
3. Reason #2 stated in 2-3 sentences.
4. Reason #3 stated in 2-3 sentences.
5. A concluding sentence that reminds us of the opinion you stated in your topic sentence.

Remember to use transitional words such as first, next, also, additionally, finally, and in conclusion. Transitional words give your writing cohesion and help your reader follow your argument as you move from point to point.