Sunday, January 12, 2020

English 10

This weekend, read the commentaries that come before all the scenes in Act IV.  On Tuesday, you will write a narrative composition that is a scene from the movie of your life.  The choices of topics you will have are as follows:
  • With independence comes responsibility.
  • A person's behaviour reveals their character.
  • An important life lesson
  • An intense experience (this can be an exhilarating, scary, painful, or embarassing story)
On Tuesday, bring your timeline to class and the handouts on narrative essays.

Your final exam is scheduled for Tuesday, January 21 at 12:50 in our regular classroom.
This is a skills-based test, so you will not be asked specific questions on the works we have studied.

The test will consist of four categories: 
  • a poem with multiple choice questions
  • an article with multiple choice questions
  • a story with multiple choice questions
  • a multi-paragraph composition (you will be given two writing choices)
Review for the test by knowing the short story and poetic device terms/concepts.
On the exam day, be sure to bring pencils/erasers for the bubble sheet and pens and white-out for the writing section.