Friday, February 28, 2020

English 8

Bring one piece of factual information about Pompeii to share with the class on Monday.  There will be a quiz on some short story vocabulary words on Monday, March 9.  The list of words is as follows:

  1. remorse(n): a feeling of guilt 
  1. maternal(adj): associated with mothers 
  1. luster(n): a gentle shine or soft glow 
  1. dowdy(adj): dull, ordinary, not stylish 
  1. gusto(n): great enthusiasm 
  1. pinnacle (n): the highest point 
  1. heretic (n): one who does not believe in commonly held ideas 
  1. plausible (adj):  believable 
  1. todefraud (v):  to cheat, to swindle 
  1. genial (adj):  happy, good natured 
  1. conspicuous (adj):  obvious; easily noticeable  
  1. precariously (adv):  in a way that is not secure or in danger of collapsing 
  1. toscrutinize (v):  to study closely 
  1. judiciously (adv):  done wisely, as a judgewould do 
  1. toreap (v):  to collect, especially collect crops at harvest time 
  1. incurious (adj):  lacking curiosity 
  1. tolurch (v):  to move in a jerky, stumbling manner 
  1. nadir (n): the lowest point 
  1. to boast (v): to brag; to crow about one’s strengths 
  1. to smother (v): to cause someone to suffocate, to cut off another’s air supply