Wednesday, December 11, 2013

English 10

Your vocabulary words are as follows:

abhor (verb) - to feel hatred or disgust toward something or someone
assuage (v) - to ease an unpleasant feeling
facetious (adj) - flippant, playfully jocular in a mischievous way
insatiable (adj) - incapable of being satisfied
cessation (n) - a stoppage or discontinuation of something
impassive (adj) - not feeling or showing emotion
elucidate (v) - to make clear by explanation
impel (v) - to force or urge to action
eccentricities (n) - out of the ordinary (usually harmless behaviour, words or dress), weirdly attractive
resuscitate (v) - to revive from unconscousness or apparent death
ubiquitous (adj) - something which is found or appears in many places (or everywhere)
halitosis (n) - bad breath
bacchanalian (adj) - involving wild, noisy behaviour and much alcohol consumption

nugatory (adj) - having no power, worth or meaning
askew (adj) - at an angle; not straight
gauche (adj) - awkward or clumsy in social situations
lacerate (v) - to tear or deeply cut (usually skin)
peril (n) - a source of danger
mitigate (v) - to reduce the severity of something
caveat (n) - a warning (caveat emptor means buyer beware)
mooncalf (n) - a foolish person
changeling (n) - a child believed to have been secretly switched at birth by fairies for the parents' real child
topor (n) - a state of physical or mental inactivity
benevolent (adj) - being well-meaning; doing good
leviathan (n) - an incredibly large water creature (real or imagined); anything huge
foist (v) - to impose an unwanted thing or person upon someone else
groak (v) - to silently watch someone while eating
lavatory (n) - toilet/bathroom
glib (adj) - insincere/shallow; superficial in the social sense
tyranny (n) - cruel or oppressive government or rule
obfuscate (v) - to confuse or perplex (governments might obfuscate important information)
induce (v) - to lead toward an action
tryst (n) - a secret meeting between lovers
malestrom (n) - a violent/turbulent situation; a destructive whirlpool that sucks in objects
machiavellian (adj) - ruled by self-interest; doing anything to get what you want regardless of who gets hurt