Wednesday, December 4, 2013

English 10

Tonight, come up with five questions that you think might be on next Tuesday's test on the novel.  Also, be sure to supply the answers.
Your ten new vocabulary words for the week are as follows:

  1. bacchanalian (adj) - involving wild, noisy behaviour and much alcohol consumption
  2. nugatory (adj) - having no power, worth or meaning
  3. askew (adj) - at an angle; not straight
  4. gauche (adj) - awkward or clumsy in social situations
  5. lacerate (v) - to tear or deeply cut (usually skin)
  6. peril (n) - a source of danger
  7. mitigate (v) - to reduce the severity of something
  8. caveat (n) - a warning (caveat emptor means buyer beware)
  9. mooncalf (n) - a foolish person
  10. changeling (n) - a child believed to have been secretly switched at birth by fairies for the parents' real child