Tuesday, October 21, 2014

English 12, Block 7

After reading "Just Lather That's All", write your thoughts on what motivates Captain Torres to go to this barber for a shave.

Also, your second group of vocabulary words are as follows:

  1. skullduggery - n - underhanded or unscrupulous behaviour
  2. temperate - adj - moderate, self-restrained behaviour
  3. tautology - n - needless repetition of an idea
  4. absolutism - n - principles or practice of an arbitrary government
  5. aberration - n - something that differs from the norm
  6. immiserate - n - to make someone miserable
  7. entrepreneurial - adj - taking financial risk in the hopes of profit
  8. protocol - n - a system of rules about correct behaviour; an international agreement
  9. vex - v - to cause annoyance or disturb
  10. obfuscate - v - to render something unclear