Wednesday, September 23, 2015

English 10 -- Period 5

Your first set of vocabulary words are as follows:

  1. mahout -- an elephant-driver
  2. fractious -- cranky; irritable
  3. penitent -- feeling sorrow/guilt after committing a sin
  4. epiphany -- a sudden realization of a life truth that changes the person in some way
  5. constituency -- a district that elects its own representative to parliament
  6. irreverent -- an attitude showing a lack of due respect
  7. covenant -- a legal agreement/contract or a binding contract between man and God
  8. ostentatious -- a pretentious (flashy) or vulgar display (usually of wealth)
  9. conjure-- to make something appear by magic
  10. eloquent -- fluency or persuasiveness in speech or writing