Wednesday, September 30, 2015

English 10 -- Period 5

For homework, please answer questions 1-4 on "The Doll's House".  To see a copy of the story, look at my blog entry for Thursday, September 24th.

Your ten new vocabulary words are as follows:

  1. theanthropic:  possessing both god-like and human qualities; a god in a human form
  2. umbrage: anger caused by being offended
  3. acquiesce: to accept reluctantly; to give in
  4. girn or gurn:  to make a grotesque face; to bare one's teeth in anger or dispair
  5. abattoir: a slaughterhouse; where animals are slaughtered for food
  6. earnest: sincere and intense conviction; not being distracted by things unrelated to a goal
  7. pelagic:  of the sea
  8. wamfle: to walk around in clothing that flaps about (this is a very archaic word)
  9. agastopia: admiration of a particular part of another person's body
  10. stasis:  inactivity because of being stuck between two balanced forces