Sunday, October 18, 2015

English 10 Period 5

Please complete the question sheet on "Lamb for the Slaughter" for Tuesday.  You can find a copy of the story at this link.  If you have not finished the vocabulary assignment, do so for Tuesday as well.  Remember, you must choose 10 of the following words and use them all in a cohesive paragraph.

Completed vocabulary list -- English 10, Period 5:
  1. mahout:  an elephant-driver
  2. fractious:  cranky; irritable
  3. penitent:  feeling sorrow/guilt after committing a sin
  4. epiphany:  a sudden realization of a life truth that changes the person in some way
  5. constituency:  a district that elects its own representative to parliament
  6. irreverent:  an attitude showing a lack of due respect
  7. covenant:  a legal agreement/contract or a binding contract between man and God
  8. ostentatious:  a pretentious (flashy) or vulgar display (usually of wealth)
  9. conjure:  to make something appear by magic
  10. eloquent:  fluency or persuasiveness in speech or writing
  11. theanthropic:  possessing both god-like and human qualities; a god in a human form
  12. umbrage: anger caused by being offended
  13. acquiesce: to accept reluctantly; to give in
  14. girn or gurn:  to make a grotesque face; to bare one's teeth in anger or dispair
  15. abattoir: a slaughterhouse; where animals are slaughtered for food
  16. earnest: sincere and intense conviction; not being distracted by things unrelated to a goal
  17. pelagic:  of the sea
  18. wamfle: to walk around in clothing that flaps about (this is a very archaic word)
  19. agastopia: admiration of a particular part of another person's body
  20. stasis:  inactivity because of being stuck between two balanced forces
  21. innocuousharmless
  22. trepidationfearfulness; anxiety
  23. nonchalantunconcerned; elegantly casual
  24. prosaiclacking imagination; ordinary
  25. malevolentevil
  26. benevolentkindly; good
  27. amorallacking a sense of morality (lacking a sense of right and wrong)
  28. vexto frustrate; to annoy
  29. candorhonesty; frankness
  30. arcanesecret; obscure; known only by a few people
  31. temperate:  moderate; restrained behaviour
  32. aberration:  something which differs from the norm
  33. morose:  gloomy; sullen
  34. flummox:  to perplex or to be perplexed by
  35. zenith:  the highest point
  36. nadir:  the lowest point
  37. maudlin:  foolishly or tearfully affectionate
  38. censure:  to blame or criticize something or someone
  39. transpire:  to occur; to happen
  40. ambiguous:  open to more than one interpretation