Wednesday, October 7, 2015

English 12

For Thursday, please complete questions 2, 3, 5, and 6 for "Just Lather, That's All". Also, your ten new vocabulary words this week are the same as in all my classes:

Innocuous -- harmless
Trepidation -- fearfulness; anxiety
Nonchalant -- unconcerned; elegantly casual
Prosaic--lacking imagination; ordinary
Malevolent -- evil
Benevolent -- kindly; good
Amoral -- lacking a sense of right and wrong
Vex -- to frustrate; to annoy
Candor -- honesty; frankness
Arcane -- secret; obscure; known only by a few people

Finally, in class on Tuesday we wrote the second journal of the short story unit (Journal #2: October 6th) .  The prompt is as follows:

If you had life or death power over someone (living or dead) who you despised, would you use it? Describe the situation in which you and the the other person find yourselves.  Then, explain the choice you make.