Friday, November 16, 2018

English 11

Keep reading the book and answering the discussion questions.  The book should be finished by the end of the weekend.

The schedule for the end of the week is as follows:  Monday: movie; Tuesday: final discussion; Wednesday: fishbowl discussion on the three themes; Thursday: essay; Friday: Shakespeare!; Monday, November 26th: test on the novel.

English 11--Period 1:

Your broad thematic topics for Thursday's essay are power (control/authority), mental illness, and society.

The people in the power group are Stina, Ali, Nico, Manuela, Simon, Hellemond, Adam, Sarah

Those in the mental illness group are Alessandro, Eli, Ludovica, Hannah, Owen, Hamid, Michael, Chloe

In the society group are Scott, Fiona, Julie, Ahoora, Miko, Will, Rozhin, Lucas.

English 11--Period 2:

Your broad thematic topics for Thursday's essay are power (control/authority), mental illness, and society.

The people in the power group are Jasper, Amer, Natalia, Justin, Simone, Lucas, Elif, Kian, and Arianna.

Those in the mental illness group are May, Hunter, Maria, Lucrezia, Ethan, Ryan L., Jay, Sofia, and Sunny.

In the society group are Martina, Graham, Eli, Vittoria, Francesca, Bryn, Ryan M., Samuel, and Matteo.

This weekend, begin thinking about how to narrow your broad topic.  Think about what point the novel is trying to make about power, mental illness, or society.  Go over the discussion questions, look for important quotes, think about important events, symbols or ironic situations that reveal something about your theme.  You should try to come up with a theme statement or two about your topic.  If you are fuzzy on how to do that, look at the handout "Theme and the Short Story" from the short story unit.